Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Are You Using RoboForm?

Why not? Maybe you have not heard of it. Well, it's a program that can store the titles, URLs, descriptions and anything else you need for listing your websites into directories. It can also store the information for your articles including the titles, article bodies, signatures, keywords and whatever else you like.

It does more than just store all of this information. Having already entered all your websites' directory listing information or information for your articles, just go to the directory's web page with the submission form and with the press of one button, it can fill and submit the form for you. No more copying and pasting all your directory listings and articles. With the amount of time it takes you to copy and paste just one directory listing or article, you can submit all your directory listings or articles using RoboForm.

Since using RoboForm, I have upgraded to RoboForm Pro. RoboForm Pro allows you to enter an unlimited amount of websites and articles. RoboForm Pro also offers an unlimited amount of custom fields for each website and article. Using RoboForm Pro, I can submit 10 different articles to around 200 article directories in just one day. Without the program, it could take me a week or longer.

Brian Shoemaker is the owner of cheap web hosting directory Find-A-Web-Host.com. Find web hosts for your websites and/or articles.


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