Sunday, May 18, 2008

Article Marketing Your Way To Success In Internet Marketing

Article marketing is how regular people get their message heard by (literally) millions of potential customers and can be the best, most certain, cost effective way to reach a specifically targeted pool of potential customers. Article marketing is known as the white-hat way to get noticed by the search engines and reach your target market and is considered a viral marketing method because from a single article one can obtain dozens or even hundreds of references to their name and website, which is why article marketing is regarded as a highly effective marketing tactic. Article marketing can be easy to master and takes just a fraction of the time to master compared to some other of the best techniques used today.


Articles are a great way to faithfully drive traffic to your website and are not necessarily difficult to write and they can vary in depth, length, and quality. Articles that are interesting and informative will act like a magnet to draw targeted traffic direct to your website in both the short term and the long term. Articles written for mass-distribution to article directories are one method of Article Marketing and can be a great way to bring traffic to your site and increase your search engine positioning. Articles can be submitted online to article directories and publishers quite easily which can mean producing traffic to your site at the touch of a button. This can be a very cost efficient way of website promotion.


Content articles are an unbeatable way to generate links, boost your search engine rankings, find new prospects and open up a flood of targeted traffic direct to your web site. You ultimate goal is to write an article, and submit it to article directories, content publishers, e-groups and forums around the Web. Successful internet marketers have learned that content gets into the mindset of potential buyers. From its very early days, people have used this global network of computers to exchange content on a myriad of topics with people around the globe, around the corner, across the quad, or just down the hall. Article marketing allows you to post your content (along with a link to your site) on other people's sites, piggybacking on their marketing efforts. Whether or not you write it yourself, you'll want content that your target audience wants to read and if successful leaves them wanting to know more of your chosen subject.


Writing articles that peeks a readers interest and provides quality and helpful information is a great way to build your online business and personal reputation. Writing and submitting articles can be done for very little to no cost. Writing your own articles and publishing them can be free as opposed to paying for Pay Per Click advertising and the more articles you write the more well known you will be and the more functional website traffic you will get.


Submitting your quality articles to reputable article directories creates a back link to your internet business website. The reasoning for this is simple; prominent article directories likely have a higher value to search engines than your website. If you submit an article to a website that has a higher value to search engines than your website does, the article submitted to article directories will likely outrank your website for your intended keywords or phrases. Your first step should be to submit your articles to the top article directories, in the category that is the closest match to your topic.

In conclusion it is fair to say that article marketing is internet marketing by the use of articles to advertise and bring traffic to your website and is a fast, safe, proven method to attract new buyers. Article marketing is the best, most certain, cost effective way to reach a specifically targeted pool of potential customers. Article marketing is considered a viral marketing method because from a single article one can obtain dozens or even hundreds of references to their name and website, which is why article marketing is regarded as a highly effective marketing tactic. Article marketing is most effective when you can create articles that are of value to a wide audience or targeted niche market.

Copyright 2007 Terry Till

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