Friday, May 23, 2008

Do You Use Free Internet Advertising?

Effective "free internet advertising" strategies do exist, but they aren't what the average online marketer thinks of when hearing this often hyped-up phrase. Free internet advertising may sound too good to be true but there are valuable resources and should not be ignored. With more and more small businesses forming with relatively small budgets, using free internet advertising techniques is a must to survive. These techniques may not build an online business by itself but can be put to some very profitable use nevertheless.

Free advertising can range from search engine and directories submissions,viral marketing, classifieds ads and many other free services. You can find really good free classified advertising avenues to start getting the word out if you do some research.

There are free websites and free blogs that can be set up with just basic word processing skills, so anyone can have an online site (presence) within an hour. If you are interested in a top notch, easy to create website with free hosting, consider joining Wealthy Affiliates. The excellent support and coaching plus websites and hosting is well worth the small membership fee to teach you into profit. It is essential that you have your own personal website (or at least a blog) that you can edit with your personal information and links. If you are promoting affiliate sites, online shops, auction sites, Multi Level Marketing (mlm) sites, Network Marketing sites, cannot edit them.

Penny pincher money techniques: Who says "it takes money to make money"? Not everyone coming into Internet marketing understands how to market products online, how to use search engines effectively, and how to ultimately earn money online! Because of this, Wealthy Affiliate has created a resource that anyone can use to earn their first dollar or even their first $1000's online with free marketing techniques.

Making five or six postings in several niche related forums everyday will yield a surprising amount of free traffic to your website if you have a good signature file set up that links to your website.

Off-line advertising works. There are so many proven ways of promoting your own website without cost. The most obvious is word of mouth. Get free or very inexpensive exposure to your website by distributing your business card everywhere. Your business card should direct readers to your website where you are selling your product or service. Create and distribute your own customized business cards for free with easy to modify online templates. Do a Google search for free business cards. Vista is an example.

One of the best ways to get free internet advertising is to simply write articles. Writing and distributing articles on the internet is a very powerful example of free advertising to generate income from your website. You need to spend the time to write an article and not an advertisement Article submission / publication sites have different rules so you will need to tailor articles to meet acceptance requirements. Publish your article in multiple article and ezine directories and on your website(s) and blog(s).

The key is to write an article that is interesting enough that the readers will continue reading to the bottom of the article where your author by-line and company information is located. Your resource box or Bio sends readers to your website where you are selling your product or service. Make writing articles part of your daily routine and you will soon see how effective free internet marketing can be.

Norma Marshall writes about tried and true resources for making money online. If you liked this article, find out more here.


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