How To Create A Successful Link-Baiting Post
The easiest and probably the most cost-effective link baiting technique is to post unique blog articles that online users might find interesting to read. The trick here is to offer something truly and comprehensively unique, obviously because there will be thousands more like you trying to achieve the same thing. So, how do you create one? Well, if you are creative enough , you can do it yourself, but in case you lack that ability to create something valuable out of nothing, then you might have to get help from professionals. If you have the requisite funds, you can hire professional blog writers and give them the task to create truly and comprehensively unique blog articles for your website. However, just make sure that you own the copyrights, obviously because if you do not do so, other websites may stake their claims on that interesting piece of content that you might be planning to use as a bait for generating the required back links.
There are many variations that you can try while creating or getting done a link baiting blog article, but if you want to concentrate only on time-tested methods, I would recommend that you simply include something controversial in your blog article. Everyone loves a bit of controversy in their lives and if you manage to include something controversial in your blog without ruffling too many feathers, you can rest assured that your blog will be a big hit amongst online users and you will get the desired number of back links for your website. For example, instead of supporting the ongoing protests against global warming, what you can do is present your own unique views on the subject, backed up by facts and intelligent reasoning. As far as this example is concerned, you can find plenty of information on the Internet, which can be used for backing up your claims and views on the subject.
Other popular variations that you can try out would deal with creating a list of something useful such as the top 100 horror movies, top 100 tacks for a particular year, or something like that. You can also create the list of worst somethings in order to make your blog article even more interesting to read. The best thing about these variations is that here you can really be unique since the list compilations will be based on your personal tastes and preferences. This will automatically help you attract those who might share your tastes and preferences. And with millions of online users, you can rest assured that there will be thousands like you. The fan following your blog article generates can then be used for getting the desired number of back links from interested website owners.
Peter Brittain is the managing director of Australian internet marketing specialists Slinky Internet Marketing. Slinky have been leaders in the search engine optimization business since 1999. Peter also owns Australian directory & search engine - Slinky Directory.
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