Saturday, May 24, 2008

Internet Marketing Secret Revealed

How about that headline: Internet Marketing Secret Revealed...sounds like I used to be a copywriter at some point, doesn't it? (I was.)

So, what's this thing that's so great that it deserved an exclamation point in its title?

Actually, you're reading it right now. It's article writing done right.

Let me back up. Naturally when one thinks about internet marketing one conjures up images of squeeze pages and opt in lists and autoresponders...and on and fact internet marketing is it's own category of business...and to do it right you need to know what all of those things are and pronto!

All of the things I mentioned are GREAT at fulfilling the AUTOMATED PART of the marketing process. Each plays a very valuable role.

But when you throw article marketing into that mix, you have the opportunity of Google and the other engines finding your article in this article directory. What do they do then? They show it as a result of their searches when someone has keyed in words looking for what you have written about.

It's all about providing a service to the engines for ones own benefit. No harm. No foul.

Here's an example. You write an article on "Happy German Songs." You post the article to a well established directory. And now when someone out there in the entire world enters something LIKE Happy German Songs into their search box, your article has the POTENTIAL to be one of the ones that comes up.

Depending on the competitiveness for that exact phrase, your article might even rank as the #1 result of that find.

The real internet marketing secret revealed here is that in your Resource Box which accompanies your article that has just come up as a natural result of that phrase, is A LINK TO YOUR WEBSITE!

So if after reading your article, the person has more interest in YOUR content, they will continue to click through and find it at your site.

Can you see now why I put the exclamation at the end of "Internet Marketing Secret Revealed!" now?

Just click the following link to learn EXACTLY how to best use your Internet Secret Revealed! article marketing. Then read Kevin Browne's HIGHEST RATED opportunity reviews at his new site


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