Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Online Business - Valuable Marketing Lessons from American Idol

The television show American Idol is once again roaring through yet another blockbuster season on Fox Network. Are there marketing lessons buried within the weekly contest that draws millions of television viewers every week? Yes! The same strategies that creates stars on American Idol can help YOU create some star power for your own online business.

Differentiate Yourself - Simon Cowell is often heard telling American Idol contestants that their performance was "totally forgettable." Well, since American Idol is about more than just vocals - making yourself memorable comes from being talented, original, fresh and contemporary.

The only way to stay alive in the competition is to consistently deliver what the American Idol fans want... week after week. You need to stand out from the pack and stay there. Even as a viewer - when someone asks who was the best on last night's American Idol, it doesn't say much for the show when there isn't a performance that jumps out at you. Often times people are talking more about which performances were down right awful.

Differentiating yourself by showcasing your best gifts and strengths is how you will make yourself memorable - whether you are a contestant on American Idol or marketing yourself online. Your website, your tagline, your email signature and resource box for your articles should all work hard to make your business "memorable."

Play on Your Strengths - So many American Idol contestants try to be sign songs that are out of their range and beyond their talent. It is better to stick with what you know you do well and showcase the best YOU. More often than not, you will hear the judges talk about a song being "pitchy" or "screaming" the lyrics.

Showcase Your Talent - Choosing songs that dramatically show your gifts is a much smarter move than picking a song that is a stretch for your voice, your rhythm or energy level. The same holds true for marketing strategies. Know your gifts and strengths then make them SHINE.

Be Coachable - When Simon Cowell tells a contestant on American Idol that their performance was a "disaster" you can hear the crowd come alive with hisses and boos. Viewers at home may even get their own hackles up and rant to anyone that will listen to just how mean the judges are on American Idol. For most of us, being faced with such blatant criticism makes us cringe BUT just like the athlete pushed by a coach - we learn. We learn to improve our game so to speak. If everyone around us told us what a great job we do when in fact, we are lousy - we will be end up like those American Idol wannabees that show up for auditions only to find out - we can't carry a note!

It really doesn't matter if you are trying to become the next American Idol or make a living online from home - when you get advice or suggestions from others that know more than you, listen. You don't have to give up a piece of yourself in order to learn from others. Stop listen, think it over and take their advice to heart. Be open to learning from others - see things from those more experienced than you.

Take Risks- Each week, at least one American Idol judge will say "you played it too safe" with that performance. If you have ever watched the auditions, you may have noticed people sing one song that isn't well received then ask if they can sing another choice then end up being a contestant. It's all about risk. Unless you are willing to risk looking foolish, you will rarely experience great moments. That is how life works. Until you are willing to ask that girl out or sing a song for the American Idol judges - you will never know if or when the answer will be YES.

For those that love to hate American Idol, remember - the contestants that perform each week might still be in their hometown's simply dreaming of singing their hearts out on the Big Stage BUT instead they took the leap and made it this far in the competition. They are living their dream and giving it their best shot.

For those of us that run a home business or market online - we are pursuing our own entrepreneurial dreams. The marketing lessons learned from American Idol just might get you showcasing your own talents and passions in a brighter spotlight.

Tammy Ames shares her latest opportunities and online business resources at Online Business News. Tam's online earnings are getting her closer to her dream of living debt free - share the dream on Debt Crunch.


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