Saturday, May 24, 2008

Online Article Author - Does Your Resource Box Have an Active Link?

For those who are online article authors, it is imperative that those who read your articles consider you a credible source. Your articles should have an active link in the resource box otherwise who can trust the credibility? How can anyone even know that you are a real person?

Does Your Resource Box Have an Active Link?

Many online article submission leaders believe that if you do not have an active link in your resource box that the readers will wonder if indeed you are a credible author or wonder if your information is legitimate. This is a good point, although in my, currently I do not have an active like because the online article submission sites send me too much traffic already with 11,111 articles and so I have a non-active link now on the articles I write, as those old articles just keep on pulling for me?

I suppose I am one of only a few who has this problem, yet I agree with what these online article submission industry leaders are saying completely, today, I have a link in my resource box to a gentleman who is sponsoring my bicycle ride across the nation for charity. Should I still have an active link to my own website? Well sure I should, as long as it does not crash my website from all the traffic.

Then again there are people who are experts on Showing Dogs or Horse Shows and they sell nothing to the industry, but their articles on real estate all have links because they are in that field. Their articles on dogs or horses come from an authoritative standpoint, you can tell by reading them, but they are not selling anything there.

If those by-lines do not have active links, I really wonder if that hurts the credibility of the article. If they have weblinks to their Real Estate business, it does add a link, but absolutely no credibility, as that is a completely different field entirely? Nevertheless, except for a few circumstances you need an active link in your byline or resource box at the bottom of your articles.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington


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