Thursday, May 1, 2008

Article Marketing - 5 High Impact Steps to Make Money Through Article Marketing

Article 4uwebcash The Place To Fing A Home Base Business is still the best way to make money over the World Wide Web. Whether you are About affiliate marketing 1q98r09608orqywpvxoqpsxxvtr selling your own products, this amazing promotional Online Make Money Online With Ebay can drive quality traffic to your website Stat?id=3uw12mu1sfw&offerid=7097 to your product page that can Feed augment your sales potential and your revenue.

Here are the 5 high impact steps to make money through article marketing:

1. Absolute URLs or Click?id=3uw12mu1sfw&offerid=102327 texts? Which is more effective in driving readers to your website? Based on researches and various studies, people respond better to anchor texts because they are based on keywords that people can easily identify with. Use them on your resource box to B274js0ys Fihpngmofhglikgph your conversation rate.

2. Start your articles with great titles. The first element that your potential readers will see on your article is your title. You have to make a great impression on this part or your content will be ignored. You must persuade online users to check on your articles Online Money Making Opportunity telling them upfront what is in store for them through your titles.

3. Know your competitors. To stand out above the rest and for you to take the Really Make Money Online you must understand the strategies being used by people whom you are up against. Identify their weak points and adapt their strengths to improve your marketing strategies.

4. Write more. Strive to multiply the number of your output to easily increase the number of your Blogcatalog links. Just remember not to sacrifice the quality of your articles or your marketing strategies will go Go the drain.

5. Solicit feedback. If your articles are not converting the way you expected them to, ask your readers or 2 experts on your chosen niche for feedback and recommendations.

To learn more, download my Google guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who Online Money Making Guide people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Online Success - How Article Writing Can Make You Wealthy

Article writing can be very demanding. Along the way you will get dispirited…you'll want to lie down and give up. In the early stages it takes much more effort than we expect. Most of us are not naturally good writers so there are skills to be acquired and new work habits to be developed.

Article writing as a source of leads for your online business will surely challenge you to dig down, suck in and just keep on going.

But it will be worth it!

Why? Because it works!

How does it work? It works because of three things:

1. The big article Directories have very high SEO rankings so you can piggyback on their success to get your site noticed. People searching will find your article. On your own it could take years.

2. With 10 or 20 articles in the works your website will be miraculously indexed by the search engines because of your links to the big article directories…you're on the map.

3. Other Ezine and Newsletter publishers pick up your article and run it in their publication and put it on their site. Others see it on their site and do the same etc. etc.

It just grows and grows!

Article writing will return your effort 100 fold…and in quite a short space of time. But it's like Network Marketing; painfully slow to start, but for those who stick around…the really big payoff!

With article writing you can hit pay dirt in 12 months or less if you are able to stay focused and committed.

Here's why it works so well:

First off-there's not much competition. Lot's of writers get started but they fall off the path. Not too many people are willing to go blindly into the future, performing a demanding task day after day with no noticeable payoff for quite a while.

For a while you have to be happy with milestones…how many people read my articles today? Is my readership growing? (the directories will provide these stats for you).

Most people are looking for the quick fix. You see it everywhere…just send your money and we'll build your business for you.

Folks it doesn't work like that. Most millionaires are business owners and they spent a lifetime steadily building their businesses to get there.

So when you become a committed article writer you join a select community of winners who are willing to go forward in faith until the results show up.

If you stay the course you will be rewarded!

It takes time and commitment to write and publish 200 articles. You need 200 articles in circulation to get enough readers clicking your link, visiting your site, accepting your offer and opting-in to your list.

With 20 articles published you may have only 5 people added to your list and quit writing in despair…don't do that, don't give up. You're almost there.

The growth will be exponential! Here's how it might happen.

With 40 articles your list can grow to 200 plus-with 100 you can have 500 on your list and with 200 articles your list may have grown as big as 2000 subscribers.(PLEASE NOTE:these numbers are just guesstimates. Don't take this as a promise that this is exactly how it will happen for you).

Now you're starting to make some worthwhile income.

If you write just 2 articles a day you can have 200 articles in publication by the end of 3 months.

Once the money starts to flow there'll be no looking back.

Here's the challenge. Can you go the distance? Can you dig in until it starts to happen for you?

If you want to find out more about Article Writing I have written a new book:

Learn how to Use "The Secret Magic of Article Writing" to Start and Run a Successful Online Business.

Download it FREE here: "The Secret Magic of Article Writing"

Try my other FREE book: "Three Surefire Ways to Make Money Online"

Jim Keayes is an expert Internet Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.

Article Marketing - How Stay-at-Home Moms Are getting Better Results By Improving Their Aim

For the moms that are trying to make money at home on the Internet, I think there is one point that cannot be stressed enough in article marketing. I know this will not be one of those articles that gets 50 views in the first couple of weeks, but I think that this is an important enough point that for those of you that take the time to read it, you will be better off for it.

The tendency is to consider everyone as a potential prospect for your product, service or business opportunity. I want to give you mothers that are either staying home trying to earn some money part time, or for those mothers that are trying to get something started so you don't have to keep working outside the home, some information that will have a surprisingly large impact on your marketing.

Simply stated, the more focused you can make your copy, articles and content; the more likely you will be to get the desired results. Let's look at it from your own perspective. If you were to look up all the articles in this directory on article marketing, you would have to decide between thousands of them. So, ask yourself, how would you decide which ones to read first?

The process that you would use is probably similar to the one most people would use. You would start to scroll down through the articles until one of the titles or descriptions struck a personal note with you or caught your eye. Can you think of anything that would catch your eye more than if your name was in the title?

Yes, that is a little extreme, but what if the title said,

*5 Things that Make Article Marketing Easier for Stay-at-Home Moms.

* If you were trying to determine whether or not article marketing was appropriate for you as a stay-at-home mom, you would probably pick this one over one that just said,

*5 Reasons Article Marketing is effective.

* Look at these in a list, and see which one stands out to you.

Top 5 Article Marketing Mistakes

5 Easy Article Marketing Tips

5 Red Hot Strategies to Boost Your Articles Success!

5 Things that Make Article Marketing Easier for Stay at Home Mom's

5 Reasons Article Marketing is effective

I think you can see which one would probably stand out more to the stay-at-home mom. The truth is that you may check it out even if one of the other titles better addresses what you are looking for just because it address you so specifically. The other side of that is even if you are not a stay-at-home mom, you would still read that article if you were interested in finding ways to make article marketing easier to do.

Even when you write to a very specific target audience, you not only get that audience, but you get the spillover. But if you are not specific, then you only get the spillover, because nothing makes you stand out enough to get any specific attention.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques. http://aggressiveinternetmarketing.net/free-tool.html

Article Marketing - The Single Most Effective Method To Increase Your Sales On The Internet!

Writing and submitting articles to directories can considerably increase your traffic and sales. It doesn't matter if you never wrote a single word before or if the last time you wrote a three hundred words article was more than ten years ago.

If you have a website about 'dog training', start writing right away. Just write like you talk. In fact, you can just write your articles as though you were talking in just simple, every day language that your reader will enjoy reading.

Don't be too concerned if you don't think you are good at writing articles, they don't need to be perfect. All you need to do is to give your reader useful information. If you can help them and give them the solution that to solve their problems faster, you will make a lot of money.

Your articles don't need to be extremely long but most article directories will have a minimum word of around 250 words.

With article marketing, you can promote your own product, affiliate products, your website or your blog. In fact, you can promote everything under the sun. Just be sure to add a bio box with a link to your web property.

Another advanced technique is to send your visitors to a squeeze page to capture their email address. Doing this will allow you to send them promotional offers for months to come.

Once you have written an article you then need to submit it to article directories. It is important to submit to at least a couple of the top directories such as EzineArticles, Article Dashboard and Article City. These directories have high page rankings so your articles will receive many visitors. Now when your articles have been approved and published then you should receive many visitors when people search Google for any of your keywords.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

Article Marketing - The Poor Man's Way To Riches

Article Marketing is the poor man's way to riches. With little or no money, you can drive a lot of traffic with article marketing. By writing a keyword, rich headlines, and body articles you can gain page ranking for your website or product. With high page ranking on the search pages, you will see more traffic on your websites. The same articles will be used for content on other websites which gives you back links and more traffic.

Article Architect is a writing program that simplifies the whole article marketing. It has a keyword search engine built-in that drills down to the best niche. Based on the number of searches to the number of competing sites, there is an article subject research program called SE Snooping built-in that goes out onto the Internet for information. With that, you can write a good rich content article on any topic that will offer your readers very good information on the subject. Another tool is called Brainstorm. It creates 100 headlines for your article based on the information you supply.

The Article Architect is not an automated directory submitter. The format is setup to input all your directories with your passwords and names. Article Architect logs you in. All you do is click and point your articles to the directories submission forms. You can date the submission in the program and track the monies brought in by each article.

This article is just small. Look at a program that has saved me so much time and work. I can write a lot more rich content full articles and know that it will help my readers. If youre writing garbage filled articles to promote your business, this program is not for you. But if you take pride in your work and want to build a rock solid online business, take a look at this program.

There are other programs out there and I say compare quality, the number of tools with in the program, and the price for each one. Article Architect will beat them in every category hands down going away.

You have permission to reprint this Article in it's entirety in your newsletters or blogs. Also please feel free to pass it along to others who you think would enjoy it. Please leave all links active and working.

G Cook
Internet Marketer

My Website

Do yourself a favor and take a look at My Website for more information along with a demo Video.

Article Marketing - Getting Started In Article Writing

Article marketing has long been touted as an effective strategy for marketing an online business. However, writing many articles and submitting them is easier said than done. One needs to follow a formula so that he will consistently churn out quality articles.

Firstly, you need to have a goal in your article marketing efforts. What are you trying to accomplish? Are you trying to get direct sales? Are you trying to get leads for your business? Or perhaps you just want to create brand awareness? It is important to state your goals before getting started. This 'streamlines' your article marketing efforts and you won't get distracted by other less important tasks. Having a goal helps you keep focused.

Next, you need to have a schedule for writing your articles. Sure, you can write 10 articles and take the rest of the week off. But it is better to write 2 or 3 articles a day, so you are practicing your craft on a daily basis. This has a knock-on effect on the quality of your articles. Submitting articles consistently also produces great results for your business in the long haul. If you write just 3 articles a day, that comes to about 90 articles a month and 180 after 3 months.

Article directories are free to use, so this is one of the best cost-effective ways to market online. Its a good idea to spend some time reading other articles written by authors in your niche, to get a feel for it and tune your mind to write quality articles.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before its gone!

Profitable Article Marketing - Latest 4 Fresh Methods to Energize Your Article Marketing

These days, syndicating your articles is one of the most effective means in bringing quality traffic to your site while you establish your expertise on your field. Though this technique is widely used by most marketers, there are still some methods that were left unexplored. These latest fresh methods can help you energize your article marketing campaigns:

1. Get your article published on Google News. Find websites that are syndicated by Google News and apply as a contributor. Once accepted, you will be allowed to publish your articles together with your photos on websites that are syndicated by Google. Your article will be made available to millions of Google news subscribers that can result to huge traffic to your site.

2. Syndicate your articles through blogs and RSS feeds. Most blogs these days produces RSS feed that you can conveniently use to provide your subscribers with fresh content. To make this work even better for you, add your RSS feed on your website where your article headlines will be posted. Once these are clicked by online users, they will be taken to your blog to read the full articles.

3. Write for other website. Yes, you heard it right. If you offer websites that has enormous traffic with articles that will be exclusively published on their site, you can make a big deal of creating a link back to your site. Imagine attracting a huge number of visitors to access your site through the use of your quality articles, it will indeed worth it.

4. Turn your articles to podcasts. Who said you can only submit your articles to article submission sites? With the birth of podcasting, you can record and convert 2-3 related articles to audio file. You can then submit this audio file to podcast directories that include Yahoo!, Odeo, iTunes, etc.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Best Article Marketing - Revealed - 5 Powerful Secrets to Improve Your Article Marketing

Writing and publishing articles on various submission site proves to be the most cost-effective and efficient way not only in positioning yourself as a great source of information over the internet, but also in making your website highly visible on searches by obtaining numerous links.

Here are the 5 powerful secrets to improve your article marketing:

1. Promote specific product on your articles. If you are offering various product lines, you would want to concentrate on one product per article. This is to make sure that your content is specific and focused on one central topic. Doing so will greatly lessen the chances of you confusing your readers.

2. Give your articles no-nonsense titles. Your headlines are your sole keys in convincing your potential readers that you actually have valuable information to share. It greatly helps if you can write titles that are not only direct to the point but also highly descriptive on what kind of information your articles contain.

3. Distribute your articles on all possible avenues. Aside for article submission sites, you can also submit your articles to your own website, blog, forums, and wikis. This is the best way to widely distribute your articles so they can easily be picked up by interested publishers who are constantly looking for content-rich articles.

4. Keep your articles short. Based on researches, articles that run 300-500 words are preferred by most online users. So, it follows that if you would like to increase your clickthrough rates, make sure that your articles are within the mentioned word count.

5. Multiply the number of your articles. The more articles you write, the more quality inbound links you obtain for your website. Thus, it follows that if you would like to explode your article marketing effort, you must effectively devise a plan on how you can augment the number of your articles and submissions.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

5 - Great Tips for Article Marketing Success

Article marketing success is directly proportional to your online business. And to become real time successful out there, you certainly have to take extreme care on how you design your content. Remember, that those who underplay with the content part have already lost enough time and money. Guys, over the gruesome Internet world time are money. You count on every second, and every second gives you some monetary gains.

I list below some of worth noticing tips for making Article marketing success a dream come true over the Internet.

  • As I said earlier, content is the monarch and you have to every reason to give it your due consideration. Make the content dynamic in those business centric articles. Once you do that, you'll surely earn the fruits.
  • Keep the text as crisp and direct as possible. Since, most of the online traffic is not there for judging your creativity. They are surfing with a latent mission, to do business and earn money in minutes. Therefore, if you convey what you want to say in least possible words, you have already made partial success.
  • Mobilize the quality traffic to your business website. Through the postings in popular web directories and giving the links below in the articles, you can direct the prospective audience into real business yielding clients.
  • Article marketing success entails use of innovative content management system as well as niche blog posting tools. Some of these tools such as Plone, CMS made simple, Mambo etc. have the awesome potential to turn your online business into a high success rate.
  • Submit your content in the right and popular web directories. Many times, online marketers are in great hurry and submit the text in wrong directories. As the result the motive is not solved, leading to wastage of resources. What's more, you can go ahead and employ professional marketing services.
These and many give you the first hand information about the online article marketing success. Remember, in the Internet marketing, strategy always works to your benefit, if you have all the tools in place.

Niche Writers India provide article marketing and article writing service in $4 a piece and if you are looking for article submission service then you can get it in $2 per article.