Sunday, May 18, 2008

Marketing Is The Process Or Act Of Bringing Together Buyers And Sellers

Marketing is a Skill we all need to Learn, when succeeding online.

Strategic Marketing attempts to determine how an organization competes against its competitors in a market place. In popular usage, "marketing" is the promotion of products, especially advertising and branding.

At the end of the day, Marketing is about treating your prospects and customers with respect, and realizing that although it is very complex, don't let that shy you away from subjects that can help you grow your business.

Marketing is ONE of the most important strategies you can undertake and possibly THE most important and needs to be treated as such. Most marketing budgets usually go into training aimed at turning downloaders into users, and users into people hungry for services that will make their lives easier.

It is a combination of elements that creates the environment in which it is possible to meet a customer need, Marketing Research finds the necessary knowledge that will help others better achieve their goals and targets.

Relationship marketing attempts to do this by looking at marketing from a long term relationship perspective, rather than individual transactions. In the consumer driven approach, consumer WANTS are the main drivers of all strategic marketing decisions these days.

With consumers' ever eroding attention spans and willingness to give time to advertising messages, marketers are turning to forms of Permission marketing such as Branded Content and Reality marketing in the way of Video, etc.

Core marketing elements such as segmentation, targeting and positioning are still relevant in the modern (or post-modern) world. Email marketing is often reported as second only to search marketing (or Google Adwords) as the most effective online marketing tactic.

All of us use email marketing with existing customers, but many other companies send unsolicited bulk email, also known as spam, and as a result, those of us attempting to establish ourselves as legitimate business owners in email marketing have had a bit of an uphill battle lately. Hampered also by the criminal spam operations billing themselves as legitimate. It can be frequently difficult for us to distinguish between legitimate and spam email marketing.

Permission email marketing may also soon evolve into a technology that uses a handshake protocol between sender and receiver, and obviously the subject line is still one of the most important issues in email marketing to even get your emails read these days.

But tactics, while the most obvious aspects of marketing, are very similar to the tactics of sport. Without having this knowledge, the tactics of marketing are just blowing in the wind. Should the profession of "marketing" perhaps be redefined in most instances as advertising these days? "Food for thought"

Viral marketing is even more powerful than third-party advertising because it conveys an implied endorsement from a friend.

The same formula would apply to traditional word-of-mouth marketing (like Family discount plans and Tupperware parties),ooh remember those? (maybe I'm showing my age a bit there), but they did work, much like the forums do now.

However, if your potential customers dont find what you are saying to be interesting, your problem is more than just a "marketing challenge" as viral works both ways, good and bad, so always be honest and as helpful as possible and you can't go wrong.

Also the tone of the experience you provide customers in your marketing efforts should always be friendly, it should invite people in to chat and to think about ideas, and it should encourage both sides to get to know each other as people.

The goals of initiating and deepening relationships is vastly more important than conventional marketing goals of building awareness and just generating leads.

We all need to understand that communicating with various people is a critical activity that should not be left to chance, and I do believe it is a vital part of Marketing that can even make business & marketing more fun & less stressful.

If you look at the overall Marketing sector now, the growth is moving way more towards direct marketing and consumer promotions rather than just general brand advertising.

You need to know what you are trying to achieve first, then plan and do the tactics for marketing otherwise, you could end up just spinning your wheels and wasting your valuable time and money.

Marketing is not just telling the world about your product or affiliate products, it is also about spreading ideas or products that you believe in & sharing ideas you're passionate about. Once again, marketing is complex, but dont shy away from subjects that could help you grow your business and implement as many new ideas as you can, as often as you can.

Some aspects of marketing, especially with all the over- hyped promotions out there, are now becoming subject to a lot of criticism, but remember this....

"Nature doesn't stop it's Marketing campaign, So neither should You!"

"Discover the Marketing Secrets, That the Top Earners Use"

But Never Want to Share, Until Now that is... Once you know these secrets, The Results will break you from the heavy chains of dependence, & Set You Free.

Dianne Kneller, Very Proud to be Part of this Winning Team.


Article Marketing - How You Can Massively Increase the Effectiveness of Your Articles

Article Marketing is something that thousands of people do to drive traffic to their websites. It's no secret that a well written article can be thought provoking enough for readers to want to know more about either you or your services. So, what do they do? They click on your link in your resource box. But are you making effective use of understanding the conversion rates for the clicks that you get?

From my own perspective, my main interests are in motivation, wealth creation and self defense. These are the subjects that I write about most often. However, I am departing from that here because I have discovered something that I think will be of benefit to all article writers.

I don't write about things like "the best sexual positions" or "cell phone number spying" or "how to increase your penis size" or "how to shave your pubic hair" or "how to tell if your spouse is cheating on you" or any other such subjects that get tens of thousands of hits. Why? Quite simply I don't have a website on any of those things that could take advantage of the traffic it would bring.

Now here is something that you will probably find interesting...

I have over 250 articles all over the web in hundreds of "far-flung" places and in many different languages. This number of articles will show significant trends when viewed in terms of statistical anaysis.

I know which articles are "ball-bursters" and which are complete flops. So, what does that tell me? Write more articles (in my domains of knowledge and interest) that are popular - obviously! What is the point of writing articles that nobody else wants to read? Now here comes the interesting bit...

By analyzing the results of these articles I am able to see which ones are giving me the most click-throughs to my websites. Time for a little mathematics...

If I have 1,395 click-throughs from 170,424 views of my articles then my conversion rate is 0.82%. That tells me that for every thousand people who read my articles only 8 will be interested enough to go to one of my websites. Pretty horrendous huh? Then again, there are millions of articles on the web and people's time is at a premium. A reader has to be REALLY interested to make that click.

So, if I have some articles - which I do - that are returning the following statistics, what does that tell me?

  • 8 from 23 ( conversion rate 34.8%)
  • 400 from 2,667 (15%)
  • 28 from 154 (18%)
  • 191 from 1736 (11%)
  • 23 from 81 (28%)
That tells me that these particular articles SMASH my average. Hmm. So, what else does that tell me? Here is what I think...

  1. - The headline REALLY worked because it attracted attention
  2. - The article summary/teaser REALLY worked because it made people curious
  3. - The copy (article body) REALLY worked because it contained good information
  4. - The resource box REALLY worked because people wanted to know more.

So, now, what do you think I should do?

  1. - Write more headlines like that
  2. - Write more summaries/teasers like that
  3. - Write more articles like that
  4. - Write more resource boxes like that

The other thing - which I have not yet analysed in depth - is that the keywords REALLY worked. I need to look at that more.

So what is my point is this?

Watch what your statistics are telling you. Once you get the "formula" correct then all it requires is for you to stick with it and you will see a LOT more click-throughs to your websites than you thought was possible. I may have more to say on this later. Stay tuned...

This has been a "Public Service Announcement" from me to you purely for your benefit because I don't have an Article Marketing website. But if you want to know how to make a lot more money and increase your personal wealth then click HERE

Bulletproof Article Marketing Secrets That Will Give You The Competitive Edge

In this article I would like to go over some techniques that you can apply to your business that will give you very good results from article marketing. If you have not seen any good results before you will when you start using these techniques.

Let me stress that the most important part of your article marketing efforts will be to build a list. The reason for this is that most people need to have email contact from you at least seven times before they will buy from you. So if you are not doing this then you will be leaving a lot of money on the table. It does not matter whether you are promoting affiliate products or your own.

The way that you would do this is to write in a conversation style like you are talking to a friend. Also ensure that you keep your articles short about 250 to 350 words in length. This will make it less likely that your reader will get lost and not make it to your resource box. Share a slice of your expertise without giving the farm away.

Also make sure that you have a killer resource box. This will be your 30 second elevator pitch. You have to make the reader of your article want to click through to your website. I suggest that you offer a free report on your squeeze page as an incentive to subscribe to your newsletter.

Now after doing all the hard work this is where most people get it wrong. The fortune is in the follow up so you need to take very good care of your subscribers and relentlessly follow up with them.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Tips For Effective Article Marketing

With lots of article coming out already you must make your article different and splendid?Here are some tips for effective article marketing.

Your title is the one which is noticed by many.Your article could be the winner of this year article marketing award. If there is no good title no one reads it hardly. An attractive title gives a nice impression about your article.

The opening paragraph must do some better things.for SEO purpose the first sentence must carry the main key word. This also gives the introduction. This should contain the subject matter in it and must prepare the readers about the body of the article.

Make a clear view and understanding about what the article is aimed for or what the article is targeted at. Is the article focussed on the products and services of a company? Is it aimed at marketing the website for you to gain traffic? Is it targeted to inform everyone about your existing market? Will it inform the readers about the link you have provided which needs a mass approach?

A more of white space must be given in an article as we have done in this article. Many of the articles in the websites are not read but are scanned quickly. When you write only two or three lines in a paragraph you are increasing the chance of reading the article than scanning it.You may add dry informative words to your article but make sure it does not bore the reader. There is no patience in many of the readers which will have an impact on loosing the readers.

There may be information provided at the end of the article which provides the reader from where to get the information about your product. This information can be provided at the space below the article may be at the resource.


You must be really an expert to express the total content in this section. Make a note about yourself also add a note about your own website link where the reader could get more information and tips including free newsletter and tips for the reader. Hence in this world of internet having tough competition in the field of internet marketing, these tips may be helpful for you to market your articles and help you in reaching the success by rising above the obstacles produced in this internet marketing world.

Do you own a website or a blog? Do you hate to Write Articles? If you want to know how you can Create Articles in minutes then feel free to visit http://www.article-authority.blogspot.com

Article Marketing Secrets - How to Market Your Articles in Your Own Blog

One of the best ways to market and repurpose your articles is to use them in your blog(s). Here are three ways I use regularly to market and repupose my articles that will work for you all day, everyday.

3 Ways to Blog with Your Articles

1. Parts of articles - Because blog articles are intended to be shorter than the average article, you can start an one in your blog and finish it somewhere else. Create a post using the first few sentences of your article, and then create a link for the reader to click to read the rest. This link can take them to another page in your blog or to your web site.

2. Article Series - You can post a series on the same theme or topic or challenge. You can create a nice following with your readers as they look forward to returning to read the next article in the series. You can build the anticipation a bit at the end of each installment by letting the reader know what is coming in the next one.

3. Break up the article - Tips articles are great for breaking up your writing into different posts. For example, in this article I'm giving you three tips for repurposing your articles in your blog. I could very easily, and probably will, take each one of these tips and create a post with it. At the end of each post, I will give the reader a very brief preview of what to expect in the next post, again to build the anticipation.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.ArticleMarketingMinute.com

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Article Marketing - First 5 Steps of Article Marketing For Profit

First thing first, you need to find out the niche in the market which you could target. What you must understand is that it is always more profitable to target a niche that is tight. The tighter the niche, the more profit you could expect per subscriber and vice versa. This also means that if you have a broad market, you should be able to break down it into smaller and tighter niche markets and prepare individual lists accordingly.

The articles that you choose to write must be on topics that people want to read on. It should be able to look attractive to people who are your target consumers for your niche.

It is always a good idea to have articles that are search engine optimized. You would also do well to submit your articles to different online article directories. Your articles must be search engine optimized and articles should be submitted to the top three online article directories depending on search traffic and page rank.

And yes, you should be able to write prolifically. There are very few people online who have been able to earn full time income with the help of article marketing. You would have to make some effort to join that exclusive club.

Build an opt-in email list right from the very beginning. The ones who fills your subscription form after reading your article would surely be highly targeted subscriber and you could always use such lists to make some profit.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? Secrets of Article Marketing

Raymond Nesa is an experienced web marketer specializing in article marketing, traffic generation, and list building.

List Building - 3 Proven Ways To Build A List Fast!

Dreaming of building a massive subscribers list that you can depend on? Here are 3 tried and tested and proven ways to really build a huge list fast!

1. Host Your Own Giveaway Event

A giveaway event involves a host gathering a group of like-minded marketers to give away products and build each other's subscriber lists. The host is usually the biggest winner, although he does most of the work! With many list owners sending traffic to your giveaway event, expect to build a big list in record time.

2. Go On An Ad Swap Charge

Approach other list owners in your niche and offer to do an ad swap. You should approach list owners with list sizes that are similar to yours, then as your list grows bigger, approach email marketers with bigger lists! Mail to each other's lists about your partner's free offer; that's one way to mutually benefit and grow your lists.

3. Go The Coregistration Route

A coregistration service or broker basically allows you to advertise your free offer on their highly trafficked pages or partner networks. Typically, your offer will be listed alongside other coregistration users. Usually, this is a great way to build a big list fast! But the subscribers might not be as responsive as from other sources, so you might want to warm them up with more free information in the beginning.

And there you have it, 3 proven ways to build a massive list really quickly. These methods are great for getting an instant boost in your opt-in list numbers, so do try them out.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing - Don't Waste Your Time with Ineffective Article Submission

Are you confident in your article marketing campaign? Many article marketers are not! The reason for this is simple - They write and submit articles only to see little or no results.

If you are one of many who find themselves wondering how the heck they can really get the most out of article marketing then you need to realize a few things.

1. Obtaining hundreds or even thousands of one-way links pointing to your site from low-quality pages will not do you much good. These links do help a little but the fact is the true value of article marketing is of a much greater parallel. What does this mean? It means that mass submission is not as good as it seems. Pick a few of the top article directories, authority Websites in your niche and Ezines. Submit to only these sites and your articles will get much better Search Engine rankings.

2. The most important factor in any article marketing campaign is writing in a way as to spark an interest with the viewers. If your articles are on "rehashed" material most people will move on. Whereas new interesting or even controversial subjects will keep the viewers eyes glued to the screen until they get to your signature box.

3. With the recent implementation of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) by Google and possible other SE's, it is very important to write for the future and not the past. In the past an Author could write his or her articles and Website content based around one of two keywords. This is called "keyword density" and it is on it's way out the door. This means you have the chance to get one up on your competition by writing good LSI based articles, as most still write with a keyword density in mind. The main thing to remember with this is that the SE's are looking for pages that were written for humans, not robots.

Of course there are other factors that you need to consider when marketing with articles but if you can follow the above three you will be able to increase traffic, conversions and your income!

For more information on how to Effectively market your Website, Blog or Product with articles visit http://www.articlemarketingdomination.com/ where you'll find my extremely popular article marketing ebook, where I provide the exact blueprint of how I use articles to conquer every niche I touch!

Article Marketing Your Way To Success In Internet Marketing

Article marketing is how regular people get their message heard by (literally) millions of potential customers and can be the best, most certain, cost effective way to reach a specifically targeted pool of potential customers. Article marketing is known as the white-hat way to get noticed by the search engines and reach your target market and is considered a viral marketing method because from a single article one can obtain dozens or even hundreds of references to their name and website, which is why article marketing is regarded as a highly effective marketing tactic. Article marketing can be easy to master and takes just a fraction of the time to master compared to some other of the best techniques used today.


Articles are a great way to faithfully drive traffic to your website and are not necessarily difficult to write and they can vary in depth, length, and quality. Articles that are interesting and informative will act like a magnet to draw targeted traffic direct to your website in both the short term and the long term. Articles written for mass-distribution to article directories are one method of Article Marketing and can be a great way to bring traffic to your site and increase your search engine positioning. Articles can be submitted online to article directories and publishers quite easily which can mean producing traffic to your site at the touch of a button. This can be a very cost efficient way of website promotion.


Content articles are an unbeatable way to generate links, boost your search engine rankings, find new prospects and open up a flood of targeted traffic direct to your web site. You ultimate goal is to write an article, and submit it to article directories, content publishers, e-groups and forums around the Web. Successful internet marketers have learned that content gets into the mindset of potential buyers. From its very early days, people have used this global network of computers to exchange content on a myriad of topics with people around the globe, around the corner, across the quad, or just down the hall. Article marketing allows you to post your content (along with a link to your site) on other people's sites, piggybacking on their marketing efforts. Whether or not you write it yourself, you'll want content that your target audience wants to read and if successful leaves them wanting to know more of your chosen subject.


Writing articles that peeks a readers interest and provides quality and helpful information is a great way to build your online business and personal reputation. Writing and submitting articles can be done for very little to no cost. Writing your own articles and publishing them can be free as opposed to paying for Pay Per Click advertising and the more articles you write the more well known you will be and the more functional website traffic you will get.


Submitting your quality articles to reputable article directories creates a back link to your internet business website. The reasoning for this is simple; prominent article directories likely have a higher value to search engines than your website. If you submit an article to a website that has a higher value to search engines than your website does, the article submitted to article directories will likely outrank your website for your intended keywords or phrases. Your first step should be to submit your articles to the top article directories, in the category that is the closest match to your topic.

In conclusion it is fair to say that article marketing is internet marketing by the use of articles to advertise and bring traffic to your website and is a fast, safe, proven method to attract new buyers. Article marketing is the best, most certain, cost effective way to reach a specifically targeted pool of potential customers. Article marketing is considered a viral marketing method because from a single article one can obtain dozens or even hundreds of references to their name and website, which is why article marketing is regarded as a highly effective marketing tactic. Article marketing is most effective when you can create articles that are of value to a wide audience or targeted niche market.

Copyright 2007 Terry Till

Submit your articles and find great free website article content:


Webmasters and ezine owners may use this article provided they leave all content and links in full contact and without alteration.

Powerful Article Marketing -- The Secrets of a Mighty Article for Marketing

When one talks about marketing tools for a business, it is no doubt that article making is one of the most commendable if not the best commendable one. The powerful capabilities of an article to motivate a prospective client towards considering the buying or the usage of any product that is being marketed or promoted thru articles marketing is just so prevalent. This is the reason why article marketing has always been a useful and functional marketing tool. I have enlisted below some of the secrets most marketers use in their article marketing:

- In every article you make, always create an accurate, concise, and clear writing. Your prospective clients are to be treated as people who do not have the luxury of time to read and digest long and lengthy types of article materials. These people are basically hopping for not one but many and numerous products on the net. As such, they are basically faced by too many articles that they come across. Therefore, if you give them the exact details of your product on a very compacted form, so much the better.

- Always consider how intended recipients may be taking the article when received. This means that when you write any article for marketing reasons, you have to write like a recipient and not as a marketer. In so doing, you will know what your targeted clients expect to see on a marketing portfolio like that of an article.

- Always have your article material checked for possible grammatical errors. The article that you are sending out does not only represent you, as a writer, but most importantly, it represents the company and the product that is being endorsed. Any flaw that targeted clients may notice on the article shall be a point against the product and the company maker.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published eBooks.

Improve Link Popularity To Increase Profits

Link popularity is a common representation of the total number of web pages which link to a website (or individual web page). Link popularity is significant because it is a major factor used by search engines in determining a site's position in search results. The essential core elements of link popularity are determined by the quantity, level of agreement, and quality of links that the search engine has found for your web site.

This is used extensively in Google and other major search engines to decide the position of your web site in the search engine rankings. Links are a useful tool for search engines trying to make their way through billions of documents and find ones that are relevant to their users. The key to successful link building is to pay particular notice to the relevancy, page quality, and traffic of the particular websites that are linking to yours. It doesn't help your site visitors if you link to irrelevant, poor quality sites. One hugely essential task that all net marketers must undertake, and undertake effectively, is building a link trail. The best way to build long-term link popularity is to offer fresh quality content and features that provide real value to your audience.

The more relevant the content of the linking page to the receiving page, the better. The more quality, relevant links there are, the better you will rank on the major search engines such as Google and MSN. If your site features numerous relevant links then it shows your popularity which increases your authenticity among search engines. An optimum way to raise your search engine rankings is working to improve your web site's link popularity. Not only can this revitalize your keyword rankings, but it also helps to create a superior experience for your visitors. One of the most potent ways to improve your site's link popularity is by writing articles for publication on other related Web sites and in other related newsletters or Ezines.

Together with optimizing your web pages with targeted search terms, link popularity is one of the most precious marketing techniques designed to bring quality traffic to your site. You'll find that increasing link popularity is a time-consuming and sometimes maddening process. Just keep in mind that it is clearly worth the time and effort when you see a spectacular surge in traffic. That's why link popularity is now one of the most crucial factors for search engines when they rank a Web page.

Don Downes is a top internet marketer who works with other industry leading internet marketers from around the world. He works with successful business coaches who specialize in helping individuals create 6-figure incomes working from home. You can learn more information at Don's Wealthy Marketer site.

Tips for Success With Article Marketing

The first step in article marketing is the submission process. Ezine publishers, article announcement lists and article directories are the most common places for submission. This will accomplish several things.

For starters, you will be considered as an expert in your field. This will establish a trust between you and the readers, as they will be able to value your opinions.

Submitting articles will also allow for greater publicity of your business. Submission requires a resource box to be attached to your article. This contains a link to your website that will be seen by the reader. If the reader wants to know more about what you do, they can simply click to see more.

Article marketing also allows for a non-reciprocal link to your website. This is important for your search engine page rank. Typically, more weight is given to non-reciprocal links in search engine page rankings.

So maybe this all sounds good to you, but you aren't comfortable writing your own articles. If you don't have the writing skills necessary, consider using private label articles. These are becoming more and more popular, and many of such services are available with new ones popping up all the time.

However, there are some specifications that need to be taken seriously. Otherwise the results produced may be problematic

The good thing about private label articles is that they may be able to offer the non-writer a high advantage over other markers. When used properly, they will likely increase your sales, traffic and opt in subscribers.

Be cautious of making the most common mistake known to private label articles: getting lazy. Put it in your mind from the start that copying and pasting the article for submission is a bad idea.

The majority of directory software will automatically do a search in their database to see if the title has been used before. If this is the case with an article that you submit, then yours will be rejected.

So, change the title at the very minimum. It's also recommended to change the wording in the first paragraph.

Another word of caution regards the number of links placed in your article. Many marketers will include so many links that the article just becomes an ad in a longer form. This will definitely get your rejected and maybe banned if it occurs too often.

The purpose of an article is to provide the reader with valuable and useful information. As long as your content is well written, the chances of the reader clicking on your link will increase.

Jason Pearson is an online marketing expert who wants to share his secrets with the world. To find out more...

Click Here To Discover More About Jason Pearson

Article Marketing - Making Your Articles Convert

It is easy to get depressed and to quit, but the truth that many people quit when success is around the corner is often the case with writing articles and article marketing.

There are many people who are coming to work online and they expect to have instant results. They dont see why writing an article to promote a product wont result in instant cash. The problem with a lot of the information around is that people forget to say that quality does count.

If you look at the people who are dominating their niches you will find they dont use junk articles and have the mindset that anything will do on their sites. They believe that quality is always the way to run your business.

You will never dominate your niche if you dont have articles which people want to read. People are after information, and they want it to be accurate. You might have an end product to sell them to make their life easier but getting them to that stage means you have to earn their trust.

In life it has been said that a person has 4 seconds to decide whether they like a person or not. The impression you create in those 4 seconds will decide whether a person will want to develop a friendship with you.

The same is true online, what a person reads tells them something about you. It might not be an accurate analysis but it does mean the difference between a sale and a person clicking away from your site.

Think for a moment, if you are on a forum, are there people there who you dislike? Normally, you make this decision because of the way they write to the site. The point is you dont know them personally, but it is likely that if they tried to sell you something then you wouldnt buy.

The same is true in your goal for article marketing success. People will decide from what you write whether they can trust you or not. You will need to take those few words to build that relationship. You will create a hunger for them to crave more of what you are offering. Before they know what they are doing, they will be buying your product, and you will be dominating your niche the way you have dreamt about.

To learn exactly how Josh Spaulding dominates just about every niche he competes in using powerful Article Marketing Tactics, visit http://www.articlemarketingdomination.com where you'll learn the true value of article marketing without being lied to!!

Article Marketing - What Will it Give You?

If you take a trip through the many Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) forums on the internet, you'll see countless people discussing article marketing, all trying to figure out whether it's a good or a bad thing to do and whether it's worth the effort.

To be able to figure out whether article marketing is right for you, you first need to understand what you will get from it. Article marketing, properly executed, will bring you three things: traffic, backlinks and a reputation.

Many webmasters make the mistake of believing that submitting articles to ezine websites or article directories for reprint will result in instant traffic. This is not true. Article marketing can take time to have a sustainable impact on your traffic. This is because the traffic will not come predominantly from the article directory site that you submitted the article to. It's far more likely that the traffic will come from the many other websites that have picked up your article either via syndication, RSS or simply through reprinting it with your author links. This takes time.

Given that your levels of traffic and the number of backlinks out there to your site are inextricably linked, the real benefit of article marketing is not in the direct traffic it generates but in the backlinks created to your website via the author links. Although you can't really control the quality of sites that reprint your article in this way, there is still no substitute for quantity. You can then work separately on ensuring a decent number of high quality links are also established. This boost in the number of general backlinks to your site will reflect well in the search engine result pages (SERPs), possibly moving you higher up the results and improving your pagerank in the long term. There is still some debate in the SEO forums over the importance of backlinks and pagerank in search engine positioning, but it is generally accepted that having large numbers of quality backlinks and a resulting high pagerank is desirable.

One of the keys to successful article marketing is to ensure you always write on a subject that you have a sound knowledge of. A high quality article will be picked up and reproduced much more quickly than one thrown together or poorly written. Take time to think about your subject matter, how popular it might be, what keywords people will use to find it and what angle you want to take on the subject.

Don't get caught in the 'quantity over quality' trap. Yes, you will need to be able to write lots of articles to get significant benefits, but they will also need to be high quality articles. Don't sacrifice quality - you'll benefit in the long term. This is how you build your reputation as a specialist in your subject area. With hard work, quality articles and a little time, your article marketing strategy can establish you as a specialist in your field that others will seek out for more information. The only way is up.

Do you want to get started as a writer? Do you want to improve the standard of your everyday writing? If so, visit freewritingadvice.com for punctuation, language and grammar tips as well as articles on creative, non-fiction, article and even technical writing.

Why Article Marketing Produces Such High Quality Leads

Article marketing produces some of the highest quality leads in the marketplace today, and very few people know this. They might have heard it somewhere, but they dont really know it. How do I know this? Because there are only a handful of people who actually write articles and make a full time income from the leads generated from those articles.

I am one of those people. But enough about me.

Why does article marketing produce such high quality leads?

I believe it is because once someone has read your article, and perhaps several of your articles, if they click through to your web site, it is because the already like you. It is not because they were tricked by some PPC ad or some other hot line in an email. They didnt have to evaluate their decision to come to your site by some 3 line ad.

The read some of your articles. They have seen your style. They like your style enough to want to learn more. And so they click through.

I think this is the very strongest key to this phenomenon.

So the next question is, how do you keep up this rapport that is created when they come to your web site?

The way to do it is through your email campaign.

I send all of my incoming traffic to a squeeze page (you can sample one at the end of this article) and that gives people an opportunity to get something free from me, and in exchange for getting something free from me, they have to give me their email so I can send it to them. And if I have their email, I can build rapport with them. Of course, so can you.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Must-Have Secrets to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Do you want to start your article marketing efforts with a bang? These 6 must-have secrets can help you do just that.

1. Choose your topics. When writing your articles for your article marketing campaign, you have to consider these things: they must be relevant to your target niche, useful to your potential clients, and related to the products you are selling. The idea behind this is to write articles that can attract the right kind of people - those who are most likely to buy from you.

2. Register on leading article submission sites. Most publishers will not allow you to submit your articles unless you create an account with their submission sites. While you're at it, read carefully and understand the terms of service set form by each site. This can help you create articles that conform to their standards so you lessen the chances of your articles being rejected.

3. Multiply your articles. In article marketing, the more articles you produce, the more traffic will be diverted to your website. Strive to produce at least 5-7 articles per day to obtain enough quality inbound links to popularize your website and strengthen your online presence.

4. Optimize your content. Search engines are major considerations when marketing your articles online. They are your greatest tool in connecting to your target market through the use of keywords and search terms.

5. Never use spinning software. Some marketers who are aiming at obtaining more quality inbound links resort to spinning software. While these tools can help you re-write your existing articles quickly, they cannot guarantee the quality.

6. Your articles must be concise. Every word that you use on your articles must have direct impact on your target market or helps you to better explain your ideas. If they don't, they are considered fillers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

What Are Reciprocal Links And Do They Still Work?

A reciprocal link is the internet link equivalent of "I'll scratch your back and you scratch mine".

A reciprocal link works by me saying that I will put up a link to your website so long as you put a link back to my website.

Of course, the search engines can spot reciprocal links pretty easily. Which has led some people to say that reciprocal links don't work any more.

Only the technicians at Google can tell you for sure whether this is the case.

My view is that since reciprocal aren't guaranteed to be given, the search engines will still give them some weight. But they almost certainly count one way links as being "better" than reciprocal links.

So if you can only get reciprocal links initially, go for them. Check the other site first to see that it is one you're happy to be associated with (but then you should be doing that anyway). Providing that's the case, go ahead and either request a reciprocal link or respond to a request that you've been sent.

You can also search out places that offer reciprocal links. Go to your favorite search engine, type in your target words and then add "add url" (in quote marks) before pressing the search button.

You should find plenty of places that will allow you to add your site to theirs. Take the time to go to the site in question.

You've already checked that the links page is indexed - you found it by searching on the web. So it's passed the first test.

Then snoop around by clicking some of the other pages.

See whether the site looks decent. Would you want to be associated with it? If so, go ahead and submit a reciprocal link request.

If all this sounds tedious, you're probably right. There are ways of automating these kind of link requests without being accused of spam. One of the ways is to use software to help you. A long standing program to do this is called Zeus. It takes quite a while to get to grips with it as you need to train the program as to which links are relevant to your site. This gets better over time and Zeus provides a good way of keeping track of your links.

Reciprocal links are still worth getting but the general opinion is that one way links are even better.

Get your free report Link Building Made Easy and find out how easy it is to build your website traffic by using reciprocal links

How Do I Make A Squeeze Page?

A squeeze page is a very important part of your marketing arsenal. Usually on a large content site where you have a subscription box or popup that cannot be blocked you will most likely not get more than a seven percent subscription rate. However by having a mini site with a squeeze page and a sales letter you can get up to a fifty percent subscription to your newsletter.

Let us look at what a squeeze page consists of. The main purpose will be to capture the name and email address of a visitor so that you can keep in contact with them. A prospect normally has to see your message at least seven times before they will buy from you. You do this by having a page with a heading and some bullet points offering a free report. This normally requires excellent sales copy to achieve this. Split test different headlines and bullet points to find the ones that convert the best.

In addition to this if you add audio and video with testimonials from customers you will significantly improve your conversion. When prospects see other people that have experienced success using your products they will be more inclined to get rid of any skepticism that exists. A good conversion will be between thirty and fifty percent.

You can design your squeeze page with a free html editor like NVU. Once you have completed it upload it to your web site using a ftp program and then integrate it with your autoresponder. When a person clicks on the subscribe button their information will automatically be passed onto the autoresponder.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Internet Marketing - The Three Great Advantages of Article Marketing

Perhaps the most important aspect of Internet marketing is getting traffic to your website. But how do you do that, without spending a fortune? If you haven't even considered article marketing, you're making a big mistake. Writing articles and posting them to prominent directories gives you some great benefits. "I hate to write," you say? Hire someone at eLance.com to ghostwrite for you. It can be very inexpensive. There's no excuse powerful enough to wipe out the benefits of article marketing.

Here are three reasons why:

First, there's not a doubt that a well-written article will give you status as an expert. Don't think that you're too new at this to write something! If you're in the right niche, you should have a passion for what you're doing. You'll know something, which is more than most. So, write about what you love. Do it in a conversational tone, and tell them what thrills you about your Internet marketing niche. Just write about the aspects of it where your excitement lies.

Second, when you solve problems, people will want to see your website. So, for example, say you're in the crafts niche, but you are really passionate about knitting. So, you must be a knitter, right? OK. Prepare a special report that gives 5 to 10 tips about knitting that you can teach new knitters and put a link in your author's resource box (the byline information and a short bit of ad copy) that leads them to your squeeze page to get it. If they read your article and liked it, they'll come to your website and they'll opt in to your list to get those 5 to 10 tips, too.

Third, articles provide one-way links to your website. This allows some SEO (search engine optimization) advantage. Each link you get from another website is a one-way link, as long as you don't point back to the other site, as well. These links are seen as "natural" by the search engines, meaning that one webmaster just saw another webmaster's site and wanted to add a link. Search engine spiders like that. However, when you write articles, you get the advantage of each of them pointing back to your site. Very valuable links, indeed.

There's no argument... Article marketing is extremely powerful, and it's not just a traffic generation system. There are at least three great benefits that we discussed above. Think about writing an article or buying some from ghost writers. Then, get them into a good directory. You'll see the results in the traffic to your Internet marketing site and in optins and sales because the best aspect of writing and marketing with articles is that it gives you the credibility you need to succeed in the Internet marketing world.

Tellman Knudson, CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc., is a master list builder and well-known for his first project, List Crusade. Tellman teaches you his system for explosive list building and offers a Free one-on-one consultation with an Internet marketing expert at http://listbuildingpower.net

List Building - What's the Difference Between a Lead and a Subscriber?

People are often talking about leads. I got 500 leads from XYZ or I got a new lead here, there, who knows? But let me tell you, there's a HUGE difference between a lead and a subscriber.

First, when you buy leads, you're buying a bunch of junk. Those people are nothing more than names and email addresses. They don't know you. They don't care about you, and you've just wasted a pile of money.


Because even if the list of people double opted-in somewhere, as some lead generation services tell you, they didn't opt-in for you. So why's that different from co-registration?

With co-registration, you can describe your newsletter, ebook, offer, etc. That description is placed on a page---maybe a pop-up, pop-under, or it can be stationary on your own website---that lists your offer along with several others. Some co-registration forms have only a few sites listed together, while others have more than 10, but what they all have in common is that you get to describe what the people are signing up for.

List building the right way allows for personal choice. Why does someone subscribe to your list? Because they like you or they like your message. They want to learn from you because they trust you to lead them in the right direction.

That's the difference between a lead and a subscriber. A subscriber has seen a description for your offer, whatever it is, and have signed up because of you. A lead has no connection to you other than you'll start to send them mail and guess what? You may be breaking the law. What you're sending is spam. Don't buy leads, they're a waste of money.

Remember, list building isn't something you can do blind. You want people to sign up because they know who you are and want to learn from you or do business with you. A bunch of strangers that someone else collected won't get you where you want to go.

If you've bought a bunch of leads, I'm sorry. Forget them, move on and start list building the right way. It's just ethical that people who sign up know what you're all about, too. If you're new to Internet Marketing, you may not even realize that it's not completely ethical to use leads, FFA leads (free for all) that you buy from someone else. Or, you may have been doing business a while and just started thinking about list building, too. Buying a list of customers seems like an easy way to go, but it's not list building, as least not the right way to go about list building.

Don't base your business on sand. You need a solid foundation. Collect leads by putting up a squeeze page, by having opt-in boxes on your site, through joint ventures, etc. When you're giving people what they truly want, you'll achieve much greater success.

Tellman Knudson is CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc. Learn how to build a powerful and responsive list quickly through his premiere list-building course, MyFirstList.com.

Selling Search Engine Optimisation to Potential Clients: The Do's and Don'ts

Is it fair to say that a large percent of website / business owners have little or no knowledge of what search engine optimisation is all about and what it can do for them. We as SEO specialists know the benefits in terms of increased website traffic and sales, and it is for this reason we are out there to help website owners take advantage of this.

A new dawn has arisen, the dot com bubble has burst, competition on the internet has become very fierce and simply having a website out there is not going to cut it! Websites and their businesses need to be found and offline marketing is no longer the only option available. Knowing this all to well and what SEO can do for ones business, it is up to all SEO specialists to spread the word and make businesses see the light. Having said that, what is an SEO specialist to say to a potential client? What words of wisdom can he use to sell SEO to the business leaders? Bear in mind these same business leaders only remember too well the dot com bust and the false hopes and promises that IT would present their company to the world. The point that had been overlooked is that they needed SEO to help bring that exposure. Be careful in your approach when preaching SEO, plan and think carefully about what you might say.

Below are a few pointers on what to say and what not to when selling search engine optimisation services.

The Donts

1. Dont guarantee top ranks - A big no-no. Many SEO consultants guarantee their clients top rankings in search engines only to later realise that the task is not that simple and might not be achievable for competitive keywords. This often leaves the client frustrated, disappointed and in demand of a refund for their investment.

2. Dont offer an exact timeframe for results Achieving top search engine ranks, and search engine optimisation in general, requires a lot of time and in depth work. There is no exact time or way of predicting when a clients website might hit the free listing top ranks. One thing is for sure, SEO consultants need to emphasise that time, together with quality SEO work, is needed to achieve high rankings.

3. Dont show any doubt and do your research beforehand Just like an interview with a prospect employer, be prepared in your first meeting with a client. Do your research, study the company and its website and note its good and bad points. You will be expected to express your views on the clients website and make a brief analysis. Dont be afraid to be critical and offer some constructive criticism. Landing a contract is based primarily on building the clients confident in you and your services.

4. Dont agree to unethical SEO practices Certain clients may be in a bit of a hurry to get listed and may ask you to use SEO practices which are considered unethical. Such practices include using link farms, IP cloaking, hidden text, etc. Spam techniques can not only hinder your clients performance in the search engines but can also result in a possible ban. It is in yours and your clients best interest to keep away from these futile and harmful practices. Strongly emphasise this point to your client.

5. Dont overdo on your SEO knowledge Stick to what you know best, there is no point selling spin on SEO. Be honest with your clients and try building an honest and trustful business relationship. If you are not too sure about certain practices, do not exaggerate or use them as you will be caught out sooner or later if the final results do not eventuate.
The Dos
1. Emphasise that SEO will increase website traffic and sales The first and foremost thing a client wants to hear is that you are going to show them the money, in other words, show that the website exposure is going to lead to a better ROI (Return On Investment). Explain the basic nature of search engine optimisation and the benefits it can bring companies i.e. increased traffic, visitors and contacts / sales.

2. SEO is a very effective and extremely targeted form of marketing Unlike expensive TV, radio and press advertising, SEO marketing is relatively cheap and cost effective. There is less money and effort spent on broadcasting and trying to appeal to an audience that may or may not be interested. In search engine marketing, the users are already present and know what they want and where to get it.

3. It wont happen overnight Patience can be a problem when optimising a website. You may be asked numerous times by your client is it there yet?. You should point out that search engines take time to evaluate and show results. It is recommended that you declare a period of at least 3 to 6 months to see any real gains.

4. Offer a free short website analysis for your clients Freebies always go a long way. Create a free assessment on your clients current website status, show him / her what the site is lacking and how you would go about enhancing the sites optimisation in order to achieve a higher ranking in the search engines.
Selling SEO to a company is never too easy. The clients may see it as a luxury they cant really afford or just another internet gimmick they can do without. It is up to you to make them see the light and the vast benefits that SEO can bring them, as a cost effective and extremely powerful marketing solution.

About the Author: Ilan Touri works for SEO Sydney, the SEO Consultants. He has worked on various projects and offers search engine optimisation in Australia.

10 Ways to Use Links to Make Money Online

Search engines get smarter every day. Google and the like have people working to make the search engines more efficient at delivering desired results. This poses a threat to some methods of online marketing, but also gives rise to new opportunities to market. By using a little HTML knowledge and taking a bit of time, you can ensure proper rankings in the search engines.

One way to boost your rank in search engines is the use of links to make money online by driving traffic to your business website. You should ensure that your links have the proper "link power" to get effective results in search engine ranking.


Put your link on other people's blog comments, forum posts, article directories, and affiliate pages. The search engines respect links from other sites more than internal links. Linking one page of your site to the other doesn't help all that much in search engine ranking.


Backlinks are links that piggyback traffic from other sites by use of a link on a listed page. You can do this using the above methods. When you backlink, it is wise to make the very links the keywords for your website. The search engines note which words are linked and ranks your site higher for that keyword.


This is the html of a link:

<a href="URL" title="keyword1,keyword2">keyword</a>

One thing that is easy to forget is that you can put your keyword into the HTML of the link so that the search engines pick up those keywords for your link.


If you are linking a banner, the HTML will look like this:

<a href="URL"><img src="IMAGE_URL" alt="keyword1,keyword2" border="0"></a>

You can pop the keyword in the alt tag in the image instead of the title tag in the link HTML. It arguably gives the same effect.


If you can post a link in your signature of your forums or in the resource or bio box of an article, then by all means, do it. The link will show up on very page with your name on it giving you lots of "link votes" in the search engines.


Make sure that the text around your link is relevant. This may not be just for target marketing purposes. It has been argued that search engines will pick up on the relevancy of your link, too.


Links have more "link power" if the link is not returned. This means that you have to get other sites to put up links to yours while not putting their links to you. It's kind of like being a celebrity...everyone talks about you, but you hardly ever mention your fan's names.


If you are trying to get up on the Google rankings, backlink off the sites the Google likes. This will let you steal some of their "link power".


Search engine crawlers will crawl sites that allow them access to it. And one way they can tell if your site is accessible is to provide a simple text document called "robot.txt" in the directory folder where your main page is located. Here is a simple example of the content of a robot.txt:

User-agent: *


That will allow all webcrawlers to search all of your pages for content.


The less "link power" you give out, the more you can keep.

VestRite Internet Practices - Internet Income Made Easy

Article Marketing - Why Should I Give Articles Away?

Spend my valuable time writing articles only to give them away? Why would I want to do that?

If you believe that the articles that you write should only be shown on your site you are missing the whole point of Article Marketing. Article Marketing is the process of writing articles and submitting them to article directories for others to use free of charge. To some that may sound somewhat counter productive. Take it from me it is one of the best ways to increase traffic flow to your website. More traffic equals more profit

Publishing your own articles on your blog, website or in your newsletter is not enough. You need to have your name and website link spread across the web. Article Marketing can and will do that for you.

When you contribute articles to the article directories you will be give a resource box. In this resource box you can inform the reader of who you are, what you do, and where your website can be found. As part of the agreement with the article directories publishers may not remove or alter the resource box.

If you limit your article to being published on your own site the only people who will see your articles are the ones that somehow get to your site. There are literally millions of other sites out there who have visitors and these visitors have no idea who you are. Writing articles and allowing others to use them allows your name and website link to be seen by huge number prospective buyers.

With each article you write more links are created which lead back to your website. When a publisher chooses to include your article on their website, ezine, or newsletter more links are created. More links back to your website can result in higher search engine ranking. With higher ranking comes even more traffic.

Yes you should be writing articles and giving them away left and right. In fact you should be writing them as fast as you possibly can, submitting them to article directories, and being rewarded in more traffic.

Would you like to know how to use Article Marketing to drive traffic to your website?

Get my complimentary Report HERE and start the stampede today!

Can Hiring An Internet Marketing Consultant Dramatically Increase Your Website Traffic?

When you're new at something,such as an Internet marketing business it could be your best investment to hire a professional consultant to save you from the myriad of costly mistakes most newbies make.It's called paying your dues and might be money well spent!

With the extreme amount of competition that is present in the online arena nowadays, internet marketing has become the biggest challenge that webmasters and web businesses are facing .

While designing and setting up a web page or a web based business is one of the easiest things to do nowadays, making your web site successful is one of the toughest.

With millions and millions of similar businesses being present in almost every arena and with new ones coming up every day, making your web site see the light of the day is a job that is becoming tougher and tougher.

During these times, hiring an internet marketing consultant can prove to be not just a good, but an extremely profitable idea for your web based business.

Hiring a good internet consultant can actually turn around the fortunes of a floundering internet based business or web site.Online Business consultants working with professional companies are generally highly trained and certified. Not only can these people help you in getting more visitors to your site, they can also help you in making more sales or conversions.

Internet marketing consultants can employ a number of the latest techniques to increase website traffic. At the same time, these firms or people will also be able to increase the amount of relevant traffic to your web site by using a number of internet marketing tools and techniques like search engine optimization, link building, directory submissions and pay per click advertising.

Apart from offering marketing advice, a large number of good marketing consultants will also be able to help you in bringing down costs and overheads while increasing efficiency.

So, if you have not availed the services of an internet marketing consultant till date, then you should definitely do it now to improve the popularity of your web site and increase your profits.

A large number of internet professionals offer free initial consultations and asking at least two or three such professionals to evaluate your website for free will give you a fair idea of how such a service can help you.

Apart from this, you can also get a good idea about the services that each internet marketing consultant will be able to provide for you and help you in choosing the best firm for your business.

When hiring a consultant or firm, make sure that you check their credentials thoroughly. The firm that you hire should have to its credit at least some years of experience in the same field. They should also be able to provide you with the details of their previous projects and clients. An honest and professional firm should be able to give you complete details of past marketing campaigns along with the strategies and tools used, the costs involved and the increase in site visits and conversions as a result.

Your internet marketing consultants should also be able to tell you about the strategies that they plan to use for marketing your website and have a projected estimation of the results that they would be able to achieve for you.

Peter Milazzo has been involved in sales and marketing for nearly 30 years.He was for many years the top salesperson for a major U.S. corporation and is a successful entrepreneur having run several profitable businesses.To learn hundreds more proven money making techniques on Internet marketing visit LearnFromAnInternetMillionaire.com