Thursday, June 19, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

What qualifications do I have to show you how to format your author resource box?

My company owns and operates 5 article directories that have over 10,000 articles listed online. I've seen every type of article submission there is. We typically get 100's of submissions every single day!!!

Convinced? Let's move on!

"About The Author" is the reason why you write articles in the first place. It's your own personal dedicated section that gives you the tool to promote anything you want. Failure to promote yourself properly might result in loss of potential business.

About The Author - Dos & Donts....


Ex1: "For more information visit mysite398u5.com"

This form of promoting yourself is a huge mistake! First of all, many directories automatically activate your link ONLY if it is formatted properly. What I mean by that is that you need to add "http://" in front of the link. Without using http:// your link may not actually be activated by the article directory site. As you can see above, I didn't use http://www.mysite398u5.com!

Second, this style of "about the author" is terrible. Granted, if your reader wants to keep reading about the topic you wrote, they MAY visit your website. Once they get there, then what? If you want to use a simple "one liner" like the above example, at least send your visitor to another article that relates to the one you provided. This way, your visitor won't feel lost looking around your website for more articles. On another note, if you send your visitor to this page... (Ex. http://www.mysite398u5.com/my-articles.html) you can then promote your products and services around your articles. You've now sent your visitor to read more articles while at the same time promoting more of your products and services!


Ex2: "Martin Lemieux is the owner of Smartads, he helps people promote their business online."

Whoops, where is the authors website? I've come across many articles that didn't utilize the power of marketing through their author resource box. Instead, they decided to add a link near the top of the article which MANY article directories are against. If you promote your business in the "body" of the article, your running a chance of alltogether loosing the promotion for your business. Make sure to promote your business in the appropriate section of your article (at the very bottom).


Ex3: "This article is a copyright of my company."

"Note to the editors: You may reprint this article as long as you activate one link, the article remains exactly the way I submitted it, and so on..."

Where is the promotion? Oh wait there it is, below all the copyright information, below everything else. Copyright information should be the very last thing people will ever read. Most website owners know enough to pay attention to the bottom of the article for your copyright information. Why would you use your valuable promotion spot in order to warn people that this article is yours? Promote your business first, then worry about telling webmasters about your reprint guidelines.



"<a href="www.yoursite211.comwww.yoursite211.comwww.yoursite211.com>."

This is THE MOST COMMON mistake authors do. Making sure that you properly format your HTML link is crucial. Not all article directories will fix this grave mistake. There's a proper format for creating a link, here it is...

<a href="http://www.yoursite211.com/">Text Line</a>

Real simple. Any variations from this example will result in a loss of your most important commodity, the link pointing to your site!!!


Ex5: "www.Yoursite2032.net." & "emailme@something203.com."

Most article directory websites will activate your website links for you if they are properly displayed. Adding a "." beside the link, can sometimes de-activate the link alltogether. This happens because the article directory system thinks that your link is part of a sentence, not an actual link to be activated! The same applies for your email account, refrain from adding a "dot" in front of, or behind your email account, simply add a space if you need to.


Now that we've seen some samples of things not to do, let's move on and actually creating a great resource box!

Here's an outline on the information that should be found in your resource box:

1) Your name
2) What you do, who your company is
3) Where people can find more information about you
4) Give away a free gift (if you want to)
5) A product or service
6) Copyright information

That's it! Let's see this in action....


Martin Lemieux is the owner of the following article directories. Be sure to register for an author account, and get extensive promotion for your articles!

Submit Articles To:
http://www.Article99.com - Authors Club.
http://www.MyFamilyLiving.com - Family Related.
http://www.Smartads.info - Business Related.

Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Reprints acceptable ONLY if the entire article remains the same, including this author resource box!

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing services is the smart way of promoting the online business activity by the process of writing the articles and then distributing it to various free and popular web directories. This is the cost effective way to increase your business potential online. It needs no money, and by providing zillions of links at the end of content pieces, you'll be in the comfortable position over the web.

I give you some of the effective tips, what are the most attractive reasons to go for article marketing services. These include:

  • Through this process you can establish yourself as an expert online marketer, exchange links with other established websites. This would give you a phenomenal success to your profit prospects.
  • It helps in increasing your rankings over the web. A good page rank will increase your credibility as a potential resource out there and definitely result in quantum boost to business.
  • It is one of the most compelling ways for directing traffic to your business website and that too in the fastest manner, ever possible.
  • What's more, when you create back links in your documents, you are offered higher visibility to your online prospects in just days.
All these points hold value and reason only if you have a attractive and mission centric content available with you. For this, you need to hire services of a professional content writer, who is well aware of all the online strategies. He will take care of the search engine optimization activity, besides, tempting the crawlers to track your content over the Internet. Remember, article marketing services is not a child's game, especially if you desire profit motive through the competitive online strategy.

Furthermore, to be a step ahead, there are various article marketing services providers, who can provide abound publicity to the Internet marketers by submitting fantastic pieces to other online business communities, looking for product centric information. It can be executed in number of forums and community blogs as well. Going through this means, you will be the all rounder in the Internet business.

Niche Writers India provide article marketing and article writing service in $4 a piece and if you are looking for article submission service then you can get it in $2 per article.