Friday, May 9, 2008

Great Article Marketing - How to Get Your Articles in Front of as Many Eyes as Possible

When I first started to write a weekly article for my local paper, The Tallahassee Democrat, back in 1994, I was thrilled to be able to reach about 200,000 potential readers with my articles on relationships.

After the weekly column became syndicated around the world, it grew to the reach it has today of about 8 - 10 million people a week.

While that sounds like a lot, and in some ways it certainly is, there is another method I use to get my articles in front of even more people than a newspaper. This method is posting your articles to the article directories. How to Reach Those You Would Never Reach Otherwise

Article directories exist to supply quality content to people with web sites, blogs and newsletters. When you submit your article to an article directory, those folks with web sites, blogs and newsletters come to the article directory, take your article from the directory and use it on their web sites, blogs and newsletters. Now your article is being presented to their list of subscribers, people they have worked hard to add to their list, and you would not have been able to reach otherwise.

And if all this was not cool enough, do you realize that with most article directories you get to do all this for free. All it really costs you is time and energy.

The more eyes that you can get your articles in front of, the more traffic, prospects, publicity, subscribers, customers and profits you will gain.

When you really get the power of this, you will want to write and submit as many articles as you possibly can.

And when you are ready to write more articles in less time than you ever thought possible, and many other article writing and marketing strategies, I invite you to check out my telecourse at http://www.ArticleWritingandMarketingSecrets.com

And here is free access to two of my article writing templates at http://www.TheArticleGuyBonus.com

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy

Why Should Authors Write Articles for Article Directories?

Niche marketing is the current catch phrase for audience building. Why do you want to submit articles to article directories about your niche (your book)? The simple answer is to create back links to your book sales sites or to your author promotion page.

Article writing is a great way to promote your site and your book in a most cost effective way. Sharing your knowledge and your expertise makes you recognized and trusted by new and ever growing audiences. If readers are impressed with what you have to say they will follow your back links to your site and join your community. Information based marketing does generate traffic and prospective clients to your site.

Not only does article writing increase your audience it also pushes you up in search engine rankings. Through careful research and consideration you can find directories that are appropriate for your writing and that mesh well with your needs. Avoid the "get rich quick" sites and the one that do not require author registration or provide no readership/viewing metrics.

If the content of your articles are keyword rich you will generate more search engine "attention". There is a fine balance to be maintained between keyword density and content flow. You do not want to sacrifice content integrity and communication flow for keyword saturation.

If you provide readers with pertinent, relevant information that is well written and free of grammatical errors they will stick around and continue reading. A reader's trust is built on good work and good content.

A well written article will keep your readers coming back for more. Provide them with material that they will want to read and then share with others. You want your readers to feel so good about what you are doing that they recommend your site to others. As more people begin to know you and you become a recognized author in the field you will gain their trust and their buying dollars. Article submissions are a great author marketing tool for book promotion.

Shannon Evans, senior editor and owner of My Writing Mentor, LLC maintains two blogs:


Shannon is a member of The Author's Village a social network of professional authors and writers currently practicing their art. To join in the conversation or to learn more visit:


5 Important Things to Keep a Successful and Expanding Business

There are endless aspects involved in running a smooth business. Because so much is actually involved in keeping your business growing and running once it has expanded to a certain level the two most important things I consider to be necessary for business are; Having organization and a well planned schedule and setting up organized and well planned systems to handle most of the endless things your system needs without really needing you.

It's important to have a schedule; it's great to have a schedule that works. By mapping out your day, you have timelines to stick to. This will help you keep from getting distracted, if you know you have one hour to answer all you e-mails you won't spend thirty minutes on one with your cousin. This will also keep you from mindlessly browsing web pages in search of new ideas for your business and instead you will stay focused on expanding the business you actually have.

However, Probably one of the biggest set backs in internet business and MLM internet marketers have in expanding the profit potential of one of their business projects is that most independent internet business owners are unorganized in managing their projects.

When you set up a system to complete a task you are creating of more profitable business plan. However, if you are constantly intervening into that system, you have spent the time building the system, the money paying the people in the system, and you are still doing the work of the system. It doesn't make sense to outsource activities only to read and edit the entire activity for the duration of the project. You need to have everyone in the system be certain of their roles and what is expected. A good flow chart is necessary and other educational tools to make sure, in the beginning, people know what they have to do so you won't worry about it later.

And probably the most important thing to truly exploding your MLM business is educating your down line and providing them with systems to duplicate what you do. One of the products I sell holds a thousand dollar commission, when my team is duplicating the act of selling and sending thousand dollar commissions up to me we're all even happier. I run a happy team who is grateful for all the resources and education I provide as well as having a front line of sixty mini-me's now each making me the type of profits I used to make me. After developing all my systems and getting my business on auto-pilot really the only thing I focus on now is educating my down-lines so they can do the same.

Jonathan Budd Is An Expert Internet Marketer Who Shows Network Marketers How To Use Cutting Edge Technology To PROFIT To No End In Their Businesses At: http://www.OnlineMLMSecrets.com

Make Your Business Skyrocket by Finding the Right Freelance Writer

When you are writing articles either for a print publication or for online distribution, you may want to write them yourself. This could be for a number of reasons but if you are a busy professional, chances are that you would be best of hiring an online copywriter or freelance writer. By hiring a professional, you can save money by focusing on what you do best while making sure that you articles are their best. Dont risk your reputation by publishing inferior content under your name. This article will have a few tips on how to find a great freelance writer that you can depend on.

The first step for finding a good freelance writer is to determine where you would like to have your articles published. If you are planning on publishing them in an industry or trade association journal, you may want to find a different freelance writer than if you were publishing them exclusively online. Remember that print publications usually only accept articles of between 800-1500 words or more so this can cost more and be much more complex. It is often more complex to write one 1500 word article that 5 300 word articles, so take this into account.

You should then think about cost to determine whom you should hire. Due to off shoring and outsourcing, there are a very large number of freelance writers in the Philippines and in India that can write your articles for online distribution. These people can be extremely proficient and work for very low rates, but still be well off. You should expect to pay between $5-10 for a 500-word article of decent quality for online distribution. For print publications, you should expect to pay between $100-200 for a 1500 word article. Also, due to online freelancing, there are a very large amount of freelance writers in America that will work for low wages because they can afford it online.

When you first contact the writer, ask for a few samples of their work and preferably where they have been published. You can also ask fro references and check these out as well. Make sure that the writer never plagiarizes as this can ruin your reputation almost instantly.

You can find freelance writers over online sites such as elance.com or craigslist.org and post in a few different sections. Try offering a low price and moving up to where you find a good deal with a writer that you can trust. You should also look to see if you can find a writer who specializes in writing for publications in your market or industry.

Finally, on a last note, beware of "private label article packages". These will claim to give you a large number of pre-written articles for you to put under your name but these are often junk articles that have been sold to hundreds of other people. It is very bad business sense to do this because you will be pegged as lazy and unintelligent at the best and a plagiarizer at the worst. More about these in later articles. Thanks!

Drake Dawson is a sales, marketing and advertising coach and trainer who has researched and lectured on sales techniques for 10 years. He is now focused on writing articles and publishing them online. You can visit his site at http://www.ultimatesalestips.blogspot.com

Jeff Paul's 3 Clicks To Cash - Real Deal or Scam?

Jeff Paul's infomercial for his new 3 Clicks to Cash product is captivating late night audiences everywhere. Two busty ladies flirt with the camera as they tell you about Jeff's latest. There is supposedly a shortcut to making millions of dollars on the internet.

Who wouldn't want that?

But, don't be easily taken for that ride. As you may be wondering, there is definitely something that's not being told. Amongst the host of promises of shortcuts to making millions, eye opening testimonials of instant riches and a course to show you how to achieve it all.

So whats this big secret they're holding back?

The truth - there is NO shortcuts to making millions of dollars on the internet. While Jeff Paul seems to give you all the products to make it easier, as an internet marketing insider myself, I know that it isn't as easy as 3 clicks. Internet marketing takes work just like any other money generating business.

Its not impossible though to make millions of dollars on the internet. I know a lot of people who are making fortunes every year alone doing affiliate/internet marketing from the comfort of their own home. They will all tell you the same thing...how they failed while trying to get started and they had to work their butts off. No one handed them a shortcut but they were determined to pay their bills or quit their stress filled job, or make money on their own time. They stuck with it and things became easier.

The thing that gets me the most about Jeff Paul's 3 Clicks To Cash infomercial is one testimonial where this guy sets up his 3 clicks to Cash websites and goes on a 7 day cruise. He comes back home and checks his account and in 7 days he had made $430,000!

Ok, I'm going to let the cat of of the bag here. What the audience doesn't know - because Jeff Paul is advertising to people who know nothing much about internet marketing is that Shawn C., the guy in the testimonial, is his friend Shawn Casey.

So what's so special about Shawn Casey?

Shawn Casey is already a millionaire who made his money with internet marketing. He was already making millions before since the early days of internet marketing. Shawn C doesn't need Jeff Paul's 3 Clicks to Cash system and if he tries to make you believe that actually happened then you're being tricked.

Further investigation of the 3 Clicks to Cash system using the internet showed a lot of posts on Rip Off Report and Infomercial Scams.com where users who had bought the program talk about a bad customer experience after making their purchase.

The internet holds the potential to make anyone to make millions from home...but it takes time and effort. Find out what other people are saying about Jeff Paul's 3 Clicks To Cash by going to http://hubpages.com/hub/Jeff-Pauls-Shortcuts-To-Internet-Millions-Scam

Article Marketing- Increasing Your Website Traffic With Articles

Websites the world over depend on articles to draw attention to potential readers and customers. This does require a few key steps to make sure your that you succeed in your marketing strategies.

You can use an autoresponder program to automatically send articles to all your customers. The autoresponder program can be set up to deliver emails at set intervals to a list of email addresses. You could gather together all your articles into one giant electronic book. Then simply transfer your text to the autoresponder and let it do the work for you. Some people prefer to read books this way because they can download the information into their PDAs and take it with them wherever they go. This could be an excellent gift idea you could offer free to your regular customers.

Submit to free article directories. There are countless article directories that accept copies for free. This will surely give you maximum exposure as they do have lots of subscribers. Don't forget to add a well-written resource box, with appropriate link going to your website.Load your articles with information. The main reason why someone is reading your copy is because he or she is looking for information. So stop beating around the bush and get to the point.

Do your research carefully, because that's the only way to get information that is consistently timely and accurate. There is a nearly infinite amount of data on the internet, most of it known to very few people, and you can use that data to support your articles. Articles need to appear professional, so make sure that you proofread them to eliminate spelling and grammar errors that can detract from your message.

Talk to online businesses that are similar to yours, but not direct competitors. Many websites are related to yours and seeking out new content that you could provide, so by calling or e-mailing them to let them know you are interested, you may have a better chance of getting an article published on their site to attract traffic to your site.

You can get a free copy of my latest ebook by clicking here: The 7 Keys To Business Marketing Success. Eric Menzies writes about Business Marketing at http://www.BizRave.com