Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Article Marketing and Traffic Building - 4 Practical Pointers on Increasing Your Customer Base

One way in which article marketing can serve your overall business interests on the Internet and World Wide Web is assisting you in traffic building your website. Towards this important goal, there are four practical pointers that you should bear in mind when it comes to increasing your traffic and customer base through article marketing.

First, with your well written, timely and topical articles you can include links back to your website. Provided you do prepare and create interesting and informative articles, you will find that an ever growing number of people will click over to your website after reading your articles.

Second, you can place your articles at article marketing websites or on ezines that bear some sort of more natural connection to your website and your business. This will be another technique through which you can increase traffic to your Internet website.

Third, you can utilize article marketing as a means to connect directly with potential customers. In this regard, you can send informative and useful articles to individuals that are on your opt-in email list. Time and time again this technique has proved effective at drawing people to your site with increasing regularity.

Fourth, article marketing can be used as a means of more generally promoting your business, website, products or services to a broad audience. This can be accomplished by making certain that you widely distribute a significant number of your articles on a regular basis.

Want to learn how I do it? Download my free guide here: Article Marketing Secrets

Mike Upshaw is an experienced internet marketer specializing in list building, traffic generation, article marketing and affiliate marketing. http://www.secretstointernetprofits.com

Article Marketing 101 - The Complete Steps To Getting Started

Article marketing is one of the very best ways that you can market your business. Some time ago I was looking for another way to do this besides search engine optimization. What primarily appealed to me about this method is that it is free and that the leads convert up to ten times better than leads from other sources. In this article I would like to go over the basics that you need to do to succeed with this method.

As a famous sales trainer once said people buy from people that they like, know and trust. This is one of the big challenges that you will face online. People only buy from other people that they trust. So if you are using ppc, ezine advertising or banner advertising your leads may not trust you. Consequently this will make it very difficult for you to monetize your traffic.

However, if you are using articles in your marketing then it is very likely that people would have read several of your articles before clicking through to your web site. This ultimately means that your leads already like what you have to say and this is what increases the chances of them making a purchase from you.

Choose a tightly focused niche market. The narrower the market the greater that your profits will be. Write articles based on this market. Choose a killer title as this is very important to actually get people to read your article. Write the opening and closing paragraphs next as these are the easiest to do first.

Brainstorm ideas for the body and make bullet points containing these. Expand each idea and bullet point to complete a full paragraph. Check your work for spelling and grammatical errors. Finally, submit it to the major directories for massive exposure.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Authentic Ways to Increase Your Article Marketing

It is no doubt that article marketing is currently the best traffic-generating tool these days. It is not only cost-efficient but it is also proven effective in augmenting the number of online visitors plus establishing a webmaster's expertise on his chosen niche.

If you have been using this technique and you would like to increase your marketing effort so you can better improve the benefits you are getting from it, these 6 authentic ways will help you succeed further in this method:

1. Provide your readers with quality content. Your articles should contain information that are not only interesting to read but most importantly, useful to your potential readers. Your content should also be timely and relevant to your target niche.

2. Your articles must be well-written. Your ideas must flow naturally and must be presented in a logical manner so your readers will be able to easily understand your points.

3. Be familiar with SEO. Learning how to optimize your articles can be your greatest weapon so you can succeed in article marketing. By knowing how to insert relevant keywords to your copies, you do not only make your articles search engine friendly, but you also make them searchable online.

4. Frequently search the internet for new publishing sites. The more publishing sites you post your articles to, the more back links you can obtain for your website.

5. Write topics that are directly relevant to your website's topic. This is to make sure that you will have an opportunity to showcase your expertise while promoting your website at the same time.

6. Call to action and promote your website. Move your readers to act by writing a powerful and attention-grabbing resource box. This should contain your name, your expertise, what you offer, and why readers should click on your website's URL.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

How To Write Your Resource Box To Get People To Click

In this article you will read how to solve a big problem for effective article writing and marketing and be provided with an easy solution that works.

I get dozens of questions everyday from people asking how to improve their sales using their resource box at the end of every article submitted.

There is NO one single formula. You really need to test, test and test again.

As your potential customers read through your article they will arrive at the resource box at the end of it.

This is where most article marketers fall short. Yet, it's a vital aspect because without a compelling resource box aka bio you are simply wasting your valuable time.

If you have a website about puppies and dogs you could write an article about "3 Fantastic Ideas On How To Train Your Puppy Within Minutes".

When your reader gets to the end of your article they will see the resource box and a link to your site.

You want them to click on the link and see what you have on offer on your site. This could be items for dogs and puppies, books or services such as dog training, dog-sitting etc.

You are probably asking "What should be in the resource box to make it more effective"?

Here is the simple answer to a problem most people have.

The resource box usually contains the name and a brief description of the author. It should also have a short description of the site and a link to the site.

Just as the article needs to "grab you by the arm" so does the resource box in order to grab the attention of the reader.

Here are two very important aspects you need to remember to be effective.

1. The resource box is small and will be limited in the number of words that can be used. Therefore, it's important to use the right keywords and entice the reader to click on the link and visit your site.

2. Every person that clicks that links and visits your site is a potential customer. As there is so little space you need to learn about proper keywords that people are searching for.

There are plenty of free keyword tools online that can help you to determine what the best keywords are for your niche.

In your resource box make sure you are as creative as you can be and make the most of the space that is available to you.

You always want to make sure that you capture your reader's attention so that they visit your site to look into your product and or service that you provide.

When you use the proper content and trigger their imagination you can make them intrigued enough to click on your link which leads to the desired outcome.

Always be sure that you use keywords and phrases that are targeted to your type of site and do not try to mislead your potential customer.

If your site is about golf and golf tips and you only deal with one particular brand then make sure you make that known in your bio.

Once you realize that you only have one chance to create a lasting impression and to grab your reader, you will never again underestimate the potential of the proper 'grab you by the arm' resource box.

Even if it's very small, it can still be a very powerful way of driving quality visits to your niche site.

A boring resource box will not help you at all and will not produce the amazing results that you could get which means lost sales for all your hard work.

Dean Shainin has helped hundreds of Internet marketers create wealth from their own online information product empire using article marketing tactics, secrets and techniques. Get $197 of F-R-E-E Videos, Audios, Squeeze Pages, Keyword Tools and Content by Subscribing to a FREE Trial of "Bum Marketing Wiz 15 Day eCourse". at: http://freereport.bummarketingwiz.com/


Matt Cutts On Article Marketing

Article marketing has just become an even more powerful form of web promotion. This well known, tried and tested web marketing tool, had, in some people's eyes, lost part of its value in recent years. Article marketing in now back in fashion however, as Google have started to clamp down on paid links and excessive reciprocal links. No longer are people able to just buy their way to the top, it is now the grafters, people like you and me, who are willing and happy to produce quality content for the web, that will once again rise to the top of those all important rankings - let the good times roll.

My name is Steve Hill; I have seen very positive results from this form of web marketing and often advise people that this is how, in my opinion, they should go about promoting their website/s. So often in the past these people have stated that they do not have the time to write and submit articles, or that why should they start to write when they can just purchase a pr7 backward link on ebay for three months to gain the same results? I always found it hard to answer that question, but Matt Cutts and his crew have now made it a whole lot easier.

Certain people will still take chances on purchasing backward links, perhaps they are lazy, perhaps they are stupid! Why take the risk? If you set yourself a goal to write say twenty articles per month, you will soon see your site moving up the rankings. Yes it is hard work, it is quite boring work at times, and yes it will take time to have an effect, but have an effect it will.

Some people argue that article marketing does not work due to duplicate content. This would be true if you were also including the same article that you have submitted to sites like ezinearticles, on your own website, but let's face it, that would be rather daft!

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:

cheaper telephone calls
dvd replication

Article Marketing - My Philosophy That Drives Me To Massive Article Marketing Success

Here's my philosophy on article marketing: The purpose of an article is to generate traffic. And it's very probable that more than half the visitors to an article don't even read it (though I hope you're not one of them!). Quality of your articles is important, and so is the quantity with which you write them and submit them!

When people click through on your articles, most will just click through to your site link in your resource box, decide to buy or optin or whatever it is, or just click away from your article. A very small percentage will even read your article. Maybe 1 in 10. That's 10 readers for every 100 visitors. And the title of an article is just as important than the content. You should be spending plenty of time crafting out a quality title.

I'd rather produce a good informative article that gets the point across than try to produce an article that will take hours to write. Some people have minds that race, and others can get in 30-50 words a minute. Some people have both. That's a lethal concoction for article marketing. If you can type very quickly and are already well versed in the topic, then you can crank out a 250-300 words article in 10 to 15 minutes without doing any research.

Most people write articles and when you read them, it reads like a textbook. You'd want to be conversational in your articles. Think about the most entertaining books you have read; more likely than not, the tone of the book was conversational. It was as if the author was sitting in a caf with you and having a lively discussion. That's how you want to write your articles!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing - Hook The Reader

Article marketing is an advertising technique. An engaging article is used to hook the reader, and provide basic information and education. The articles are succinct and quickly pull the reader in. By providing the reader with a start, they can help the reader to locate additional information and services of interest to them. Article marketing is a new but powerful approach to business.

By utilizing the tactical placement of words, the article that was written is flagging what is known as the internet spiders, all while the reader is being engaged. If these keywords are placed just right, the site will gain a high rank with the search engines but not seem overly wordy or riddled with keywords.

If you are able to write one of these articles a day, you will be a great asset to your company. Adding these articles each day will make your rating on various search engines go up. You do not have to do very much work to make your business look good and gain new visitors with article marketing.

The most important thing to remember when you are going to use article marketing for your website is that you must use unique articles each time you post something new. Copies of articles and anything that is not unique content will not help you gain a higher rating or customer base. Customers do not want to see the same old thing everywhere that they look.

To this end, it is important to create a new and fresh article each day. This will keep your old readers interested and will make your business look experienced to your new readers. The more people that are interested in your articles, the more likely you are to sell more products. In the end, you gain profit.

As a growing area of marketing nowadays, the use of articles is a highly successful approach to selling products or services. Be sure to publish fresh ideas which haven't been published elsewhere online. Doing this will enable you both to realize a profit and increase your rating in the popular search engines with a minimum of effort.

Article marketing is a new way of advertising. These articles are very interesting and designed to hook the reader. This is a new and very strong approach to the world of business. All articles written are very unique articles, you must make sure that the article are unique to keep readers interested. Another key factor is unique content, which is just as important to keep the readers hooked. You want to make sure that the articles are interesting and grab attention. They must also keep the readers attention so that customers keep coming back.

How to Effectively Market Your Business With Internet Articles

If you have an internet business, you are probably constantly learning new twists and turns within the market, as it is changing daily. That is part of being a great businessperson, and most have become accustomed to learning the tactics and methods of internet marketing and business marketing. This article will discuss the different ways in which you can utilize internet articles to help you market your business.

Content Articles

Great articles can be used on your website for several purposes. One of the great things that articles do for your website is provide credibility for you and establish you as an expert in your niche. Customers would much rather purchase products or services from people they consider experts. This is just a simple fact. Think about it. Would you rather purchase something from someone who didn't know much about the product and was just selling it, or from someone who has studied the product for years and brings it to you with confidence?

Another thing that internet articles on your site can do is help your site become listed higher in the search engine display pages. With the proper use of SEO and keywords, your site can benefit from articles that contain your site's main and secondary keywords. This is extremely helpful. Did you know that most people never leave the first page of Google, Yahoo, or MSN search results? This is why it is so essential that you show up on the first page every time. Proper SEO internet articles can do just this.

Article Marketing

Article marketing is fast becoming one of the best ways to establish credibility for you within your niche and to get your name and information out there to the public. It is also one of the best ways to generate traffic to your website. You will submit quality, original, and search-engine-optimized articles to article directories. They will be programmed with keywords so that when someone searches on a particular keyword, your article should be displayed within the search results. As customers read your articles, they will see a byline with your author information as well as a link back to your website. This is a great way to get new customers, sales, etc.

Internet articles are a great way to market your business, and with the help of a qualified and talented ghostwriter or freelance writer, this can be accomplished easily! You can find ghostwriters or freelance writers from several places on the internet, including by doing a Google or Yahoo search. Many writers have their own sites. You can also visit a great writing site where freelance or ghostwriters are waiting to write custom content unique to your needs. Of course, you should be sure to check samples from these writers to be sure they have a good grasp of the desired language, as well as knowledge of how SEO and keywords work. Above all, you should be sure that their articles are desirable for customers to read, and draw the customer in rather than boring them to death. Good luck in your marketing ventures.

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