Friday, May 23, 2008

SEO Elite Review - How To Become #1 In Google

SEO Elite is a extremely popular software product by Brad Callen, it is highly recommend by the biggest Internet Marketing gurus.

What Does SEO Elite Do For You & Your Website

Basically, SEO Elite is a tool, that help you to bring your website to the top of every search engine listings. This is done through a linking stand point. More backlinks you have, higher you will rank and more traffic your website will get.

Linking is very important for any website, because it's make your website rank higher in SE results. If you have targeted backlinks, they will help you a lot. Some people don't realize, how difficult it is to get as many backlinks as possible. It takes a lot of time and hard work.

This software does lots of things for you, including: Analyzing backlinks in all search engines, finding high PR websites for you to link with, analyzing allinanchor, allintitle or allintext, verifying your existing link partners, ranks your site, and shows which of you pages are already indexed in the search engines.

You can use SEO Elite features to help yourself and your website to improve. This software can show you who are your competitors and you can actually request a partnership with them. Also, SEO Elite provides a feature, which can scan your links and check which websites are still linking back to you. This is, seriously, a priceless feature.

If you have, let's say, over 100 backlinks on your website, it would take you more than a week to contact all your partners and check whether they are still linking back. Furthermore, as your site grows, some of your old backlinks might become useless for you. It can show PR of websites, which link back to you and you can decide whether you want to stay in partnership with them. This can help you to get rid off links, which doesn't give you any benefits.

You can use it to find real partners for you, who are in the same niche as you. You can customize your search as you like. Thousands of SEO Elite affiliates, use this feature to generate huge income every month.

Obviously, you have to be realistic. This software is amazing, but it can't help you to make a giant PR8 or PR9 website to link back to your website with very low PR. However, you can use this software to work with websites, who have similar rank as you.

SEO Elite is just excellent for analyzing and improving your website. It's even possible to find out, where your competitors are writing their articles, so you can write there as well. Using SEO Elite you can make your website rank higher in search engines, which means much more traffic and, of course, much more money.

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Powerful Article Marketing - Discover 5 Hidden Secrets to Improve Your Article Marketing

Article marketing, or the process of writing and distributing articles online, is an inexpensive but effective marketing strategy being used by millions of webmasters to augment their website traffic, secure good page ranking, generate more online revenue, and establish their names as an authority in their chosen field.

Here are the 5 hidden secrets to improve your article marketing:

1. Identify and establish your objectives. When you know what you want to accomplish, you can easily adjust your marketing efforts to meet those objectives. For instance, if you want 10,000 additional page views on a daily basis, you wouldn't want to settle for one article per day, would you?

2. Consider your potential readers when writing your content. Every word and information that you will present on your articles must be targeted to their demands. Learn their preferences, needs, and problems so you can effectively meet those on your content.

3. Carefully choose your topics. If you want to drive targeted traffic to your website, you must write about topics that are being looked for by your target market. Write about your products, services, business, or other topics that are highly relevant to your industry.

4. Pick the best article submission sites. Manually submitting your articles can be exhausting and time-consuming, but your efforts will pay off if you choose publishing sites that are highly visited and have higher page ranking. These sites can give your articles maximum exposure and they can also increase their chances of being read and republished.

5. Steer clear from using idioms and clich's. Avoid making your articles sound like any other article on the internet. Strive to fill your articles with content that are fresh and relatively new to your readers' eyes.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How to Build a Site to get Search Engine Rankings (Part 2 of 2)

Part 1 of How to Build a Site to get Search Engine Rankings left off with a list of keywords ...

Go through your list and make your first cut. Cross off anything with a Results / Search ratio that is clearly higher than the average for your topic. These terms are too competitive. Look for those terms with high bid prices and large numbers of PPC campaigns. These are probably too competitive as well. Finally, stay away from terms with a high search volume when you are just starting out or youll likely loose interest before you see any meaningful results.

In this cut you should be looking to narrow your list down to under a hundred potential keywords around 50 would be better to start with. You should also start to get a feel for what keywords are going to work for this topic. Take a close look at these keywords. Are you still excited about the topic? If not, you should stop here and go back to your short list and start over. Passion is key.

The list youve just compiled will contain the keywords that you will turn into your site pages. As you look over this list and begin to do the next step in the analysis process you should be thinking about your primary keyword. This will be the strongest keyword left on your list. You want to pick the word with the most search volume and least results, with few PPC campaigns and low bid costs. This primary keyword will form the basis of your all-important index page and will direct the selection of your domain name.

Dont settle on your primary keyword just yet though you still have some data collection and analysis to do.

For each keyword you need to collect another set of data. Again the best way to do this is by creating a spreadsheet or chart to help you record and compile your data. This data set will look at the search engine optimization of your competitors. This information is invaluable in two ways. First, it will show you which keywords represent opportunities for high rankings due to the currently top ranked sites poor optimization. Second, it will show you exactly what you must do to get top rankings for any given keyword.

Create a chart for each keyword listing the URLs of the top 3 competing sites. Youve already collected the URLs so you can start creating your chart. Use the following columns.

1. Site URL
2. Title tag
3. Keywords Meta tag
4. Description Meta Tag
5. H1 tag
6. Bold tag
7. Italics tag
8. underline tag
9. Image alt tag
10. Keyword density
11. First word
12. Last word

These items comprise the bulk of the on page optimization factors. While on page optimization is important to achieving high rankings you wont get anywhere just by perfecting your on page optimization. Top rankings only come through a combination of on-page and off-page optimization.

Collecting this information is a matter of doing your research. Go to each site and use the View Source menu option to look at the HTML underlying the page. Identify and record the title tag, keywords meta tag, alt tag and description meta tag. Then use the Find tool in your browser to find the H1 tag, bold, italic and underlined text.

Youre looking for your keyword in these tags. The more often you find your keyword in these tags the more optimized this site is for that particular keyword. More optimized sites are going to be harder to displace because they are usually run by SEO savvy webmasters who will not take a decline in their ranking lightly.

Look at the site and record the first word on the page and last word on the page. Again youre looking for your keyword. Finally you need to determine the keyword density. The ideal density is between 3%-7%. Less and the keyword isnt considered very relevant on the page. More and the Search Engines may flag your site for keyword stuffing. You definitely wont rank well then. You can use this tool to figure out your keyword density. http://www.seochat.com/seo-tools/keyword-density/. Its free.

This completes your on-page optimization spreadsheet. Go through each of your keywords and collect this data for all three top competing sites. You should start to see where your best opportunity in this niche is by now but you still have a little more data to collect. So far you have all of the on-page factors of your competition, but the more important part of achieving high-rankings is your off-page optimization.

Off-page optimization boils down to links. The internet is, in essence, nothing more than pages linked together. The search engines determine the importance of a page, in large part, based on the number, quality and relevance of incoming links to that page.

The final component of your data collection is to record the inbound linking information of all inbound links for each of your competitor sites. Once you have completed this rather tedious task you will be ready to make your final decisions about your site keywords.

At this point you will have to sift through all of the data you have collected and decide which keywords to cut and which to use for your site. Its more important to select keywords that fit a common theme and offer little competitive resistance than it is to select a large list of keywords. Since you are going to save this data you can use it to determine pages to be added later. For now, focus on keywords that you can be successful with. Later as you add pages the weight of your site will help pull them up the rankings.

Finally, I would be remiss if I didnt mention a few tools that can greatly speed up the process Ive just laid out. But, before you go out and spend your money on a piece of software I highly recommend that you go through this process at least once manually. It is tedious but it will also give you invaluable insight into the search engine optimization process.

The first tool I use is called Keyword Elite. It automates the process of collecting all of your keyword data as well as the on-page optimization factors of the top ranked sites for each keyword. I highly recommend it.

The second tool I use is called SEO Elite. It allows you to research the linking structure of any website. Once you know what the top ranked site is doing you can duplicate their linking strategy and secure top rankings very quickly.

These two tools combined give you a better insight into the state of your niche market than anything else Ive found on the net. If youre serious about SEO you should plan on buying both of these software applications. The alternative is a lot of very tedious work and Ive found that that takes all the fun out of the whole process.

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Bum Marketing Methods - How To Make Money Online Writing Articles

Have you heard of Bum Marketing? If you haven't then you are probably new to Internet Marketing. Bum Marketing is a powerful and proved technique that has been used successfully by thousands of Internet Marketers over the years to generate income online.

The best part about Bum Marketing is that it is a no risk strategy that anyone and everyone can take advantage of.

Before writing articles, you should do research.

First, analyze the competition in Google for the keywords you are writing the articles on. However don't spend too much time on keyword research. Use your common sense as you do keyword research. You can do keyword research using Google Keyword Tool.

Take advantage of the hot selling products on Clickbank.com and Commission Junction and write articles on the product. In your article you should focus on the following.

What are the product features?
How does the product have an advantage over its competitors?
What are the benefits of using the product?
What needs of the customer does the product satisfy?

Churn out articles regularly. Don't spend a lot of time thinking what to write. Just start writing, you need not be a top notch writer, write your articles in a conversational manner. You should plan on writing at least 5 articles everyday.

Don't write lengthy articles. Instead of writing a 1000 word article, split the article into two. Even better create multiple accounts online with the article directories and tweak your articles so that you have a better chance of being listed in Google.

Avoid submitting the same articles to different article directories because it affects your article ranking.

Apart from ezine and goarticles, you should also write articles on Squidoo. Squidoo is very popular among Google Page rankings and you should add a RSS Module once you complete your lens to generate greater traffic to your articles.

Remember that Bum Marketing is the best technique for Internet Marketers. There is absolutely no reason for you to give up on Bum Marketing. Article Marketing remains the most powerful technique used by many to generate income online and you can do it as well.

Sri is an independent reviewer of the Top Internet Marketing Programs. Learn more about Affiliate Marketing at Internet Money Marketing.

SEO - The Importance of Link Popularity

Gone are the days when well chosen title tags and META tags were enough to give your website a good search engine ranking. Today, the search engines use much more complex algorithms when ranking your website, and so the search engine optimization process has become more complicated.

One of the chief things the search engines look at when ranking your website is its link popularity. Basically, link popularity depends on the number and the quality of websites linking to your site.

Having good links to your website has two chief advantages. The first is that these links will drive traffic directly to your website. Second, links to your website will boost the popularity of your site with search engines.

So when you think about search engine optimization, one of the first things you should do is check how many websites are linking to your site, and determine the quality of the links. A link from a popular website will be much more valuable than a link from one with little traffic.

You can perform this check yourself by typing 'link:www.yourdomainname.com' into any of the search engines. Of course, you use the url of your own website. This should return a list of all the websites that link to your site. If you get poor results, it may be time to start thinking about a link building campaign.

There are a number of ways in which you can get links to your website included on other websites. By far the most valuable are natural links, where other sites link to you by choice because they like your content and/or the product you sell.

You could also consider having your website listed on some of the popular directories. This is an ongoing process, as your website will usually disappear from the directory after a couple of days.

You could also try submitting articles that are relevant to your website to article directories. Other websites can use these articles for free, but must also publish a short description of your service and a link to your website at the bottom of the article. If you can write good content that people will want to publish, this can be a good way of creating one-way links to your website.

Reciprocal links are another option, where you and another website owner agree to publish links to each other's sites. This can increase link popularity, but also may drive traffic away from your website.

These are just some of the ways to increase link popularity. You could also consider pay per click ads, social media marketing or some other method.

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Web Site Traffic Building How I Do It

Web site traffic building is one of the most important things you can do to your web site. You see, without traffic, your web site really is not effective someone has to get to your web site before you can make any money or educate someone whatever is the goal of your web site.

So how do I web site traffic build?

I use three techniques primarily.

1) Article marketing for search engine placements. I write articles and submit them to a list of about 100 article directories that generally have a high page rank. This allows my web pages to gain a high page rank, and therefore my pages come up high in natural search engine rankings. When this happens, I get web site traffic built for me, no additional trouble at all.

2) Article writing for direct traffic. Now with this technique, I write articles like this one and submit them to only one web site http://www.ezinearticles.com. The reason I only submit these articles here is that I get 10 times more traffic, at minimum, from this site than from any other web sites out there. So in the time it takes me to submit to 10 more article sites, I can easily write another article and I make more money that way.

3) My own list! I think that this is one area where people forget that they can get traffic their very own list. I regularly send people to my web pages. Imagine if you had a Adsense optimized blog set up and each of your list subscribers visited that page every day how much more money would you make online?

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 700 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Amazing Article Marketing - Discover 6 Fast Secrets to Energize Your Article Marketing

If you are currently using article marketing and noticing that your website traffic and your sales potentials are dramatically dropping, I suggest that you energize your marketing efforts to pull up your numbers again. Here's how:

1. Improve on your titles. Make them more attention-grabbing and enticing by using powerful words and key phrases that can effectively push the buttons of your potential clients. Don't forget to communicate the readers' benefits or the reason why online users should check on your content. Keep your titles short but striking.

2. Improve your content. Pack your articles with valuable, detailed, and complete information that will help your readers better understand your topic. Never leave any stone unturned by not assuming on what your potential clients already know. Make your content easy to understand, direct to the point, and highly targeted to your potential clients' needs.

3. Improve your resource box. If your conversation rate is not impressive at all, I'd say rewrite your resource box and make it more powerful and enticing. Aside from your name, your website's URL, and your expertise, don't forget to include the benefits that you can offer to online users when they visit your website. You can lure them with more valuable information or freebies.

4. Write more. Dramatically increase the number of your inbound links by multiplying the number of your submission. Strive to write at least 5-7 articles per day or hire ghostwriters who can provide you with quality articles for reasonable prices.

5. Widely distribute your articles. Aside from article submission sites, you can also post your articles to your website, blog, forums, and social networking sites to increase their exposure online.

6. Check your progress. Consistently check your click through rate and how your articles are performing online. Continuously improve on them until you reach your goals.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

6 No Fail Strategies for Improving the SEO of Your Website

Is your website stuck at the bottom of the search engines? Are you needing more search engine traffic and seeking to improve your search engine rankings? Here are 6 no fail strategies for improving your search engine optimization and therefore your rankings.

1. Start writing articles. Even if you hate to write, these really are a must if you are going to improve your rankings. Writing even just a few articles and posting them in some article directories with your URL at the bottom as a part of a bio box will do wonders for your website.

2. Take a close look at your meta tags. This includes your title and head tags. If you need help figuring out what to include take a look at the meta tags for some other websites which have higher rankings for your desired keywords.

3. Take a close look at how the keywords in your meta tags stack up against the keywords inside your site. This is very important. Your meta tag keywords need to also be present in the content of your site. It is also important to create links within your site using your keywords. Putting some of your keywords in bold can also help.

4. Make sure your site has real content. This includes articles, links to other sites, links to other pages within your site and real useful information, not just ads or promotional material.

5. Start a blog. You can either create a traditional one using a program such as blogger or wordpress or create a lens or many lenses at squidoo.com. The search engines love these and as long as you make sure to include a link to your site on these, your SEO will improve. You also need to make sure that you keep these updated on a regular basis.

6. Be patient. I know it's easy to get impatient, but attaining a high ranking website takes time and no amount of money or work will make the process any quicker.

AnnaLaura Brown is a successful home business owner who markets herself and her business on the internet. Subscribe to her free internet marketing E-course at http://www.onlinemarketinglessons.com. She can also be contacted via her website http://www.scentedcandlesclub.com

Why You Should Be Using Attraction Marketing Techniques In Your Online Business

Buying leads, pasting banner ads, pay per click advertising and email campaigns have a few drawbacks - namely they cost money and secondly, they are not so choosy over who joins you in your business.

They are tried and true methods that will produce results, but for those of us who really want to attract like minded individuals to our team, we need to use a different approach.

I remember being told in countless different mlm and network marketing pitches that one of the many advantages of running this sort of business is that you supposedly got to choose who you did business with. Sounds good in theory, but if you are one of the lucky few to actually be successful in it, you quickly found out that after exhausting your very un-targeted warm market of family and friends, you moved onto the next victims - I mean prospects - anyone within three feet of you. So rather than picking who joined you in your road to riches journey, you found yourself taking anybody that is willing to come along and half the time it isn't the person you would have chosen.

So enter the internet and web 2.0 technology. Tools including social networking, blogs, forums and video aggregators. Here you can present yourself to a massive audience, one that is targeted towards your business, who get to see who you are and by being authentic by being yourself and sharing your interests, values and goals, you end up attracting like-minded people that are much more appealing to you and your business. Plus, for those on a budget, these tools require sweat equity rather than cashola.

Ty P Carter is an internet marketing entrepreneur, musician, artist, inventor and lifelong learner. Embracing a wide variety of interests with a focus on excellence and self-discovery, he shares his passion with others in the pursuit of discovering our true nature about ourselves and living with passion and gratitude. I help people get to where they want to go in life with my business http://www.TheInnerCircleMasters.com

Amazing Article Marketing - Discover 4 Maximum Ways to Excel with Article Marketing

As you know, article marketing is the process of writing and distributing your articles online. But do you know how you can excel in this marketing tool and get ahead of the pack?

In this article, I will tell you the 4 maximum ways to improve your article marketing to augment your website's traffic, improve your search engine ranking, increase your sales potentials, and obtain maximum online revenue.

1. Avoid using duplicated content. This can greatly tarnish your online credibility. Nobody would trust a marketer who doesn't have the ability to produce articles on his own. If you don't have the knack for writing, I suggest that you hire ghostwriters who can provide you with quality articles for reasonable prices. Although you will have to spend money on this method, you will get the credit online and you can establish yourself as an expert.

2. More articles mean more traffic. Strive to produce and submit articles on a regular basis. As you know, each submission grants you one quality inbound link. Thus, it follows that if you are aiming at driving huge traffic to your site, you must be willing to multiply the number of your submission.

3. Go with the best publishing sites. Submit your articles to submission sites that have quick review and posting time, have steady and huge traffic, and those that are indexed by Google. These are the sites that can give your articles maximum exposure to increase their chances of being picked up and republished.

4. Optimize your articles. The success of your article marketing effort largely depends on how easy it would be for online users to find your articles online. Convince search engines to index your articles by sprinkling just the right amount of keywords on your content.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - How A Former Body Guard, SEO Dummy Got Top 10 Rankings For All His Websites!

Writing articles is an amazing and powerful way to increase the number of backlinks to your websites. However, there are many elements that you need to get right to make the whole process work. If you don't follow the exact steps I am going to show you right now, you will waste your time or get your website banned by the search engines.

Please understand that your website is not going to be on Google's first page tomorrow. The strategy you are going to learn work, but the nature of the search engines is such that you will see results after a couple of weeks if your website is brand new.

While many so called SEO experts claim that you need to learn a bunch of very complicated strategies to get top rankings, my websites do very well in the search engines and I am going to show you the right way to do this.

First, you need to submit your articles gradually. You don't want to alert the search engines and "tell" them that you are launching an aggressive backlink campaign. Remember, they don't like to be forced.

I have a couple of websites, and I noticed something truly amazing by accident. Listen up... It seems bizarre, but the more great and original content you have on your site, regardless of the number of links, the highest rankings you will get.

Another fact is that you don't need to do mass submission with articlemarketer.com or isnare.com to get top rankings. I just submit to the 5 top article submission sites with the right anchor links:

1. EzineArticles.com
2. Articledashboard.com
3. Buzzle.com
4. Goarticles.com
5. Ideamarketers.com

There is another thing that I wanted to tell you today. Don't focus on getting a top ten ranking. Focus on building the number one website in your niche. Build an authority. The search engines will reward you overtime.

In conclusion, I would say that you must always go for quality in whatever you do. Write quality articles instead of hundreds of junk articles stuffed with keywords. Submit to the best directories instead of mass submission. And lastly, think long term strategy.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

Lucrative Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Easy Ways to Excel with Article Marketing

Article marketing is considered the best way to generate search engine traffic to your website. And excelling in this method is relatively easy for as long as you know the following tips:

1. Produce original content. Strive to give your readers unique, fresh articles by not copying other writers' work. Communicate your ideas and your knowledge using your own words to avoid content duplication. When you provide your potential clients with unique content that cannot be found elsewhere, you will be instantly regarded as a great source of information and building your readership will come easy.

2. Your articles must be well-written. They must be free from run-on sentences, complicated paragraphs, and incoherent ideas which are all confusing to online users. Instead, your ideas must flow well and must be presented in a logical manner.

3. Your content must be relevant and useful to your target market. The information you present on your articles must be geared towards addressing your potential readers' need. They must either solve their pressing issues or improve their knowledge about their areas of interest.

4. Your titles must be attention-grabbing. This is the element you would like to focus on if you would like to improve your clickthrough rate. Make your headlines enticing by making them direct to the point, keyword-rich, and truly compelling.

5. Your topics should be related to your products and services. If you are offering signature bags, articles about shoes and mobile phones will not help you drive targeted traffic to your website. Make sure that your topics are relevant to your offerings so you can easily pitch in your products on your resource box.

6. Be direct to the point. As you are serving audience with little time to spare, it pays to make your articles concise, short and direct to the point.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Do You Use Free Internet Advertising?

Effective "free internet advertising" strategies do exist, but they aren't what the average online marketer thinks of when hearing this often hyped-up phrase. Free internet advertising may sound too good to be true but there are valuable resources and should not be ignored. With more and more small businesses forming with relatively small budgets, using free internet advertising techniques is a must to survive. These techniques may not build an online business by itself but can be put to some very profitable use nevertheless.

Free advertising can range from search engine and directories submissions,viral marketing, classifieds ads and many other free services. You can find really good free classified advertising avenues to start getting the word out if you do some research.

There are free websites and free blogs that can be set up with just basic word processing skills, so anyone can have an online site (presence) within an hour. If you are interested in a top notch, easy to create website with free hosting, consider joining Wealthy Affiliates. The excellent support and coaching plus websites and hosting is well worth the small membership fee to teach you into profit. It is essential that you have your own personal website (or at least a blog) that you can edit with your personal information and links. If you are promoting affiliate sites, online shops, auction sites, Multi Level Marketing (mlm) sites, Network Marketing sites, etc.you cannot edit them.

Penny pincher money techniques: Who says "it takes money to make money"? Not everyone coming into Internet marketing understands how to market products online, how to use search engines effectively, and how to ultimately earn money online! Because of this, Wealthy Affiliate has created a resource that anyone can use to earn their first dollar or even their first $1000's online with free marketing techniques.

Making five or six postings in several niche related forums everyday will yield a surprising amount of free traffic to your website if you have a good signature file set up that links to your website.

Off-line advertising works. There are so many proven ways of promoting your own website without cost. The most obvious is word of mouth. Get free or very inexpensive exposure to your website by distributing your business card everywhere. Your business card should direct readers to your website where you are selling your product or service. Create and distribute your own customized business cards for free with easy to modify online templates. Do a Google search for free business cards. Vista Print.com is an example.

One of the best ways to get free internet advertising is to simply write articles. Writing and distributing articles on the internet is a very powerful example of free advertising to generate income from your website. You need to spend the time to write an article and not an advertisement Article submission / publication sites have different rules so you will need to tailor articles to meet acceptance requirements. Publish your article in multiple article and ezine directories and on your website(s) and blog(s).

The key is to write an article that is interesting enough that the readers will continue reading to the bottom of the article where your author by-line and company information is located. Your resource box or Bio sends readers to your website where you are selling your product or service. Make writing articles part of your daily routine and you will soon see how effective free internet marketing can be.

Norma Marshall writes about tried and true resources for making money online. If you liked this article, find out more here. http://traffictipsandtricks.blogspot.com/

Various Levels Of SEO Reports

Before one begins Search Engine Optimization for any website, one needs to completely assess the website's current status from every possible angle. When professional SEO services are availed from companies, clients can expect to get a variety of detailed SEO reports with regards to their website. At the outset of a campaign/contract it is very important for clients to take a proper look at the comprehensive SEO Report and also understand it as much as is technically possible. The optimization project starts with website analysis, SEO report generation ideally followed by further technical SEO analysis of the website and then systematic implementation of the different suggestions and solutions offered by the SEO consultants. It is usually an ongoing program that develops gradually over time. All the suggestions given will be client specific and must depend on the real purpose of the website, the client's overall business mission and objectives.

SEO reports are generated depending on the level of optimization work involved. While a lot of SEO work gets outsourced, there are many companies today who have their own in-house teams to do the SEO work like content publishing etc but do consult with highly experienced SEO consultants for expert advice. Detailed site analysis is done using various online and offline SEO tools. Here is a list of some of the different types of SEO reports that can be generated and also sent to the clients depending on the type of SEO project/contract.

  • Title Tag Analysis Report
  • Usability Report
  • Search Report
  • Keyword Prominence Report
  • Keyword Density Report
  • Keyword Meta tag Report
  • Description Meta tag Report
  • Content Development Report
  • In page Link Report
  • Competition analysis report
  • Link Popularity Report
  • Inbound/Outbound Link Report
  • Verification and positioning report
  • Image Optimization Report
  • Report on Page Rank
  • Report on Anchor Text
  • Final Recommendation Report
  • SEO Analysis / Solutions Report

Quite often whenever a client has a long term SEO contract with the professional optimization company they may prefer not to see all the minor reports or choose not to know all the intricacies of the SEO work done. Most of these above mentioned SEO reports that are made after using the information got from the use of SEO tools, online web analytics, etc, have today become part of the routine SEO work process within any professional SEO Company. SEO specialists have to prepare various levels of SEO reports on a daily basis. Of these only the important and final reports that include recommendations and suggestions may be sent to the clients.

The author of this article is Ricci Mathew of Outsource Strategies International (OSI), a US based company that offers services in Search Engine Optimization, SEM, PPC advertising for clients across the US.

Article Marketing - Announcing First Ways to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

If you are seriously considering writing and submitting articles to publishing sites to promote your website and products on the World Wide Web, these tips can help you jumpstart your article marketing campaign:

1. You must know how to write. Unless you have the resources to hire ghostwriters, you must be able to produce articles that are easy to read, content-rich, flow well, and useful to your target market. Read popular articles that are currently posted on article submission sites and identify their strengths. You can use these to make your articles effective.

2. Sign up with major article submission sites. Today, there are hundreds of publishing sites but only few of them are receiving massive traffic. Some of these sites are EzineArticles, goarticles, and articledashboard. Make sure that you read each of their rules and terms of service so you can design your articles to fit their standards.

3. Write and submit your articles. Write about topics that are closely relevant to your products and services. You can also talk about issues that might be affecting your potential clients. Don't forget to create a powerful resource box to entice your readers to visit your website. Then, submit your articles to major publishing sites.

4. Track down the performance of your articles online. Constantly check the click through rates of your articles and monitor your website traffic if it is improving. If you are not getting your desired results, assess your marketing strategies. You may need to improve your content, submit more articles, or make your resource box more compelling.

5. Be patient. Don't fret if you are not receiving huge traffic during the first couple of weeks of using article marketing. It may take some time before you will see noticeable change on your page views. Just keep on writing and submitting your articles and you'll be sure to reap great rewards in a couple of months.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

The Key To Internet Business Success - Internet Marketing

If you run an internet business or home business, then you have to be a marketer. Internet marketing is crucial to getting website traffic, and/or having some kind of market to pitch your offers to. Without internet marketing, it is next to impossible to survive in the highly competitive internet business arena.

For the past few months I've been analyzing the plethora of email offers on what seems to be very innovative internet businesses, that inundate my mailbox daily. And let me tell you, I'm getting really jaded from reading about the same old 'never released before closely guarded secrets' on yet another incomparable internet business that is going to 'take the world by storm'. Talk about over-worn cliches.

A lot of marketers try to sell you the business plan for the latest hot item (or sometimes not so 'latest' or 'hot'), while they go on to the next miracle product which they package with their 'never-revealed-before secrets' that will cause an avalanche of money to roll into your bank account.

Playing on emotions.

Sales copies are constructed for one primary purpose - to incite your emotions. They spur you to fire your boss, holiday in the Caribbean, own flashy cars and ostentatious homes, work only 30 minutes then luxuriate in indolence, or simply enjoy the absolute euphoria of all play and no work.

Your visions of "instant internet riches" and fantasies of becoming "a millionaire overnight," have been once again given a patina of reality. And, oh glorious day! To get all this without really having to engage the brain or tax any muscle. It must be possible after all.

Take a deep breath. It's a mirage, a rainbow with no pot of gold at the end or anywhere near. An internet business is not some genie to put you on easy street instantly.

The 'closely guarded secrets' of instant wealth turn out to be either new or re-packaged marketing strategies that require a lot more time and effort to implement than you ever visualized. The word 'instant' is deliberately packaged to conjure an image of immediacy. And though you will certainly see profits if you work the business right and long enough, the millions may or may not invade your bank account.

You're only getting opportunities.

What you're really getting are the opportunities to make money, not a guaranteed commitment, so take time to properly evaluate the true value of the offer. Read the disclaimers that are the footnote of all spectacular offers [usually in small unobtrusive print] and see if you find any 'guarantee there.

Is there a formula for success?

Yes. Patience, commitment, belief, tenacity, enthusiasm (even when the situation seems all uphill and futile), concentration, creativity and work...lots of it.

To succeed in running an internet business or home business you need to make your presence felt. You need to be on the map. And you need people who want to find you and your product or service. You need marketing. Getting completely submerged in the millions of web sites is easy. Positioning yourself in a visible position is what a successful internet business is all about. Hundreds of thousands of people attempt to establish an online business each year...and hundreds of thousands fail.

Sure, their products were useful, their ideas original, their websites beautiful and their offers without parallel.

So what went wrong?

Their internet marketing strategies bombed, never took root or were not even implemented. After all, the offer they bought into claimed they would make money so fast their banks couldn't record the deposits fast enough - and all this without effort. Piece of cake. Nothing was mentioned about months of consolidated orchestrated marketing to get an internet presence first.

Truth? It's not easy to get into the wings, let alone center stage, on the internet, regardless of how spectacular the product or service. Each year websites are born and die without leaving the slightest trace of their existence.

Invisible businesses precede extinction.

Here's why. Just one reason.

Shoddy, slovenly, disjointed, fuzzy marketing.

Their business was as invisible as a snowflake in a blizzard.

Those who do succeed splendidly have one common trait; they first study marketing techniques, improve their writing skills (yes, there's a lot of creative writing involved in running an internet business), are patient and involved, are organized and focused and are able to think outside the box.

If you have a large budget you can of course contract out the entire execution, from web page designing to search engine optimization; marketing and promotions; advertising and publicity.

If not, you'll need to start at the shallow end, learn the strokes, then head for the high-diving board much later.

However, regardless whether you start up a zero-cost business or a multi-million dollar one, they will need to be marketed before they create a presence and start bringing in the profits.

There's a lot of trumpeting about niche markets, niche products and niche websites. That's the current buzz. I looked up the definition in The American Heritage Dictionary, and it read..."a crevice or narrow opening in a rock; a hollow in a wall for housing a statue." Hmm!

I've been involved in internet businesses for some time and I know how challenging marketing a business on the internet is. I certainly don't need the added weight of a narrow, restrictive market. I will admit that there's money to be made from niche products, but the marketability of these products are very ephemeral. When the fad fades, you need to start the whole marketing process again for the next fad.

Are you willing to do this continually?

Niche v/s established markets

A much easier and more practicable method is to select a business that commands an established market, provides you a website or two, hosts the sites, offers marketing material that you can adapt to suit your personal taste, and has very low or preferably no start-up costs.

Start with the right kind of business. This leaves you free to concentrate on the one activity that can really put you in the money -- strategic internet marketing.

Successful people are guided by their focus, not by their feelings."

Please include author's name, website link and resource box if reproducing this article.

Dan Jeremiah, http://www.vmsbonline.com

http://www.vmsbonline.com is an internet resources site that collates material that is usually scattered all over the net. The site offers information, utilities and tools on a variety of niche topics. New content is added monthly.

The Affiliate Marketing Mindset

You have heard all about affiliate marketing in the past - how affiliate marketers earned their first million, how they have purchased a better car, a new house, blah, blah, blah. And because they won you over their success stories, you tried the stuff yourself. But instead of earning millions of dollars, replacing your badly beaten car, and moving to an entirely new residence, you have lost thousands of dollars worth of investment, burned too many precious hours, and wasted worthwhile effort.

Why are some affiliate marketers successful and you are not? Are they just bluffing when they said they got rich being an affiliate marketer? Probably not, maybe yes. But then again, the possibility of earning money out of affiliate marketing is real. You can really earn so much out of it if only you know how to do it right.

However, there are affiliate marketers who are a master in search engine optimization. Others can build back links faster than a blink of an eye. There are also a few who have the flair to amass massive traffic in just a matter of hours. With these prized talents, why do these people still fail?

Well, they may have the right talents. But they lack one crucial thing when it comes to affiliate marketing - mindset. Having the right mindset is very important if you want to succeed in affiliate marketing. Mindset focuses you on the goal. It is what keeps you on track as you build your affiliate marketing empire. It is the very thing that could motivate you to earn your millions, get your new car, and move to your new house. More often than not, mindset is all you need to thrive.

To have the right mindset day in and day out, you have to constantly check your goals, both short term and long term, and see how you're fairing. Reward yourself for every small victory. Double your efforts if you fail on something. You should also start making everything around you a reminder of your goals. Your office, your computer, and your furniture - everything you see, use, and feel should motivate you to work harder, do better, and come out stronger in all the affiliate marketing efforts that you do.

For more affiliate marketing tips and resources, visit my blog at

Grab your FREE 21 days article marketing (BUM marketing) eCourse at

You are welcome to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box.

How Do I Get My Articles Into Magazines?

I once thought back in the old days that you had to have an article idea before you sent a query letter through the mail to a magazine. I'm sure a lot of us are in the same boat, buying stamps, waiting for rejections from magazines to pile up. Well, this certainly isn't a very beneficial approach so allow me to enlighten you to what I have personally discovered.

Do you want to write for a magazine?

First, let's start with who you are and what you know about? Do you hold a black belt or do you have your own business? Do you know stuff about education? Are you really into reporting on the latest products? Do you like doing book reviews?

Make yourself aware of your two or three strengths in terms of knowledge and writing. Write a few articles on each subject right away. These will be your examples. Focus to start with on service articles, articles that teach something. This will now make up your portfolio.

Secondly, it's time to find about ten or twelve publications you are interested in. Look on the internet. Find some more on the store shelves. Don't give up until you have your amount. You may not be successful with these ten or twelve but at the same time, you will just have to repeat the step later.

Thirdly, design an email to the Articles Editor of each of these magazines. In two paragraphs, let them know who you are and what you're prepared to write. Pepper these two paragraphs with a few of your article ideas and at the bottom, paste one of your articles right there as an example.

Then, email away. Chances are at least one will get back to you. Do not make the mistake of writing directly to the Articles Editor. Instead, search out a name for each of these magazines and make sure your email says his or her name.

Once you have one 'yes', please submit any articles for his or her consideration. Then, repeat the process until you have five to ten magazines you routinely write for. As you have already developed a portfolio of up-to-date articles, consider submitting a few of those first but always make sure you note somewhere in your email that you're flexible and will also write assigned tasks. It may take awhile before you are assigned articles but it never hurts to make it known that you are at their service.

Now, isn't that better than waiting for the rejection slips to pile up?

Robyn Whyte is the author of Police Issue, a romance available on http://www.amazon.com. She is also a freelance writer for various publications.

Article Marketing and Your Resource Box - You Better Check Your Links if You Want the Full Benefit

Article writers get their articles kicked back for review all the time over this. I've even had some kickbacks when I've not been paying attention and not checked a link that I thought was good, and it was not. Something had just gone wrong in the last day and I didn't know it, so I was sending somebody to a link that was dead.

Make sure the links you put in there to your websites or blogs are live. Even if you've just been on that site that morning and you're writing an article in the afternoon, check the link.

It used to be that I taught that you want to have a clickable text link in your resource box, called an anchor text, like "Click here to..." or "Article Marketing Minute" would be highlighted.

You can still have one of those in your resource box, but what we've found is that many of the folks who have websites, newsletters and blogs that are using articles are not savvy enough to take the HTML code to make those clickable links back to their website, newsletter or blog and use them correctly, so it winds up a dead link. You don't want that.

You want to have at least one, maybe two, of what's called an 'absolute URL' in your resource box. Here's what an absolute URL is. It starts with http:// -- all the way to .com or the end of the domain and file name. So an absolute URL is the whole thing - http all the way to .com

Now that you know what an absolute URL is, and it's kind of a funky sound to it, 'absolute URL' - take it to the next party and see how many people know what an absolute URL is. It would be great conversation. Yeah, right.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.ArticleMarketingMinute.com

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Should I Use Article Marketing Techniques Or Do I Bum It?

Article Marketing is a successful way to acquire traffic for your website. It has become more popular recently especially with the coined term Bum Marketing. There are differences to each technique, but basically they are both Article Marketing Techniques.

Article Marketing is easy to implement and can be very effective for acquiring free search engine traffic. For the record it is considered off page SEO.

Basically, you write a short 300 to 500 word article on a niche market keyword and add a keyword rich link in your bio box to the website you want to promote. You then submit the article to one of the many article directory sites and anywhere from 2 days to two weeks you should be listed in the search engines.

Repeat the above step a few times with different articles in the same niche as your website with another niche keyword linking back to your website and you will be listed very fast in the search engines.

Bum Marketing is a name that was coined in the last year. It is exactly the same as Article Marketing but with a slight twist.

You would write the same short 300 to 500 word article on a niche market keyword. But, this time you want to use what is called a long tail keyword.

This keyword is so exact in its phrasing that usually has very small amounts of searches done using it every month. And, the kicker is that it has very little and sometimes no competition for that keyword. This means that there is practically no website competing to use the keyword. If you are really lucky there is also little to no PPC programs using that keyword.

Long tail keywords are popular now because it is felt that anyone that does search for this type of keyword is a hungry buyer. It is reasoned that a searcher is looking for a precise item for example charcoal pre-filter for Honeywell Air Cleaner instead of using the general keyword, Air Cleaner. General keywords are considered hard to convert to sales. A searcher of a general keyword is a so called tire kicker who is shopping around but has not made up his mind to buy.

Finally, in the authors bio box of a Bum Marketing article you link directly to the affiliate program you want to promote instead of linking to your website. I think it is similar to the Google Cash promotion method used in promoting via Adwords.

In a nutshell these are the differences between Article Marketing and Bum Marketing. Both are very effective at becoming a successful Affiliate Marketer.

Don't Be pig-headed like me! I have been an affiliate marketer for the last 3 years. I, like a lot of other affiliate marketers are sometimes pig-headed and have learned the hard way how to have a successful career in affiliate marketing. Hint: Learn to spend your hard earned dollars wisely on Affiliate Marketing Materials. My goal is to speed up your learning time and keep you from needlessly spending money buying affiliate products that just dont work. Read my reviews at: Affiliate Marketing Book Reviews.

Who in Internet Marketing Can You Really Believe?

When I first started learning Internet marketing, I subscribed to as many newsletters as I could, read everything I could find on the topic and marveled at the riches that others were achieving so quickly.

In an effort to be successful like they were, I bought almost every eBook they promoted, bought nearly every product they claimed was used to build their online empire and joined their affiliate programs so that I too could promote their wonderful products.

Who are they? People I never met in person, rarely ever spoke with, yet was drawn into the sales letters because those letters were written to be so believable. They are people with names that many now know as Internet marketing gurus or geniuses.

Maybe some of them were living a good life with a fat bank account when I first started following their teaching. The others were, or had, good writers that made them appear to be on top of the market. Still others were nobody until a big name found out about the new product or course that they worked out a joint venture with and promoted it to their huge mailing lists to the point that the nobody became somebody almost overnight.

What raised my suspicions though was when suddenly a new breed came forward claiming that they were the ghost writers that made the others popular, successful and rich. For some reason those writers decided that they no longer wanted to be the unknown. They wanted the spotlight. The strange thing about that is their marketing letters were nearly identical to the ones I had been reading all along, sent by the so-called gurus.

So who really are the brains behind all of this? Did the ghost writers hire ghost writers to write their sales letters? Or are they really writing their own? If they are writing their own, then they are still working harder than the people who they wrote for, because now they have added another project to their list. Oh and the first 1/3 of the eBook you just bought from them probably contains little more than bragging about what they have done, who they helped get rich and why now, after years of silence, you should suddenly believe everything they say.

What I think is really hard to believe, are the photos of checks and account balances with certain identifying items blanked out, supposedly to avoid breaking any rules by the payment processors. Come on now, I have seen a lot online and the one thing I know that can be used in practically any situation is an anonymous photo.

But maybe that is just me, because apparently it works well enough to bring in sales. People want to buy from those who appear to be successful, even if the resulting eBook is so full of fluff that it tells the reader basically noting about how the riches are made. If you want to know that, then look at the emails and sales letters. They tell basically the same story over and over, with just the characters and situations changing. They used to be poor, some nearly homeless, until they created this life-changing product.

I looked at some of the sites that were claimed to make a lot of sales. They were 40+ pages long. Give me a break! Do YOU ever read that much before buying anything? Most often you will read the first few paragraphs to see what the product is about, then skip down towards the bottom to see the price tag and bonuses, that usually cost the seller little to nothing anyway. Many times those bonuses are teasers like trial products that get you to buy them too. One of the so-called gurus shocked me when he promoted a furnace sale. Yes, you read that right. He needed a new furnace but did not have enough to pay for it. I thought being a successful marketer meant you COULD pay for things you wanted or needed. I spoke with him personally, had him as a guest speaker on one of my live training calls and respect what he does. I never expected that sale though.

The remaining question in all of this is: Who can you truly believe?

To learn the answer, do some basic research. Search Google, Yahoo! or your favorite search engine. If that person is truly popular, they should have several hundred or thousands of sites linking to them. Go to affiliate discussion forums and search for the product or author name. Read what others are saying about the author.

In the end, when you have followed the teachings of someone you can connect with and feel comfortable learning from, stay with them and tell others about them. That way, when that person tells you of a product or service that could truly help you, then you will feel much more comfortable taking their advice and buying that product.

I hope this article has helped you, if even in a small way. Just remember to continue researching and learning about how to build your business online.

Jim Hutchinson is the Project Manager for Website Managers, LLC. He has studied Internet Marketing from some of the most influential leaders. Many of those resources are available on Affiliate Referral Sources.

New Free Online Tool for Keyword Research

I came across a new website the other day and was quite pleasantly surprised.

Basically this is another really great way to get targeted keywords for your website. And the best part is it is free to use. You can check it out by going to http://www.nichebot.com

You simply enter in your keyword (I noticed you cant use more than 2 words) and it will give you a list similar to what you would see in Wordtracker. You can choose to have your keywords shown through a Wordtracker database, Overture database, thesauras, lateral or with a keyword analysis.

It is pretty extensive and I highly recommend that you check it out. It gives you five statistics for the keyword you type in.

1.) Phrase - Exact keyword phrase people are using to search the search engines.

2.) Count - Number of times search phrase was used in the past 60-days.

3.) Pages - Number of pages listed in Google with any or all of the keyword phrase.

4.) Competition - Number of pages listed in Google with the exact keyword phrase.

5.) Ratio - Number of sites for every 1 search; the closer to zero, the less competition.

Wanna know your Google ranking without having to buy expensive software? Nichebot also has a way that you can check you ranking.

At the bottom of their homepage you will see a link that says Google Ranking click on the link and you will be able to enter your keywords and website url to check your ranking.

I think this website is going to get big really quick. Hopefully it will continue to stay free to use.

Go check it out and see for yourself: www.nichebot.com

Leah West

Get a search engine friendly website...
Sign up for my free monthly ezine and get lots of great info on how your small business can make BIG money on the internet. http://www.westmarketing-design.com/ezinesubscribe.htm

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Nifty Secrets to Make Money Through Article Marketing

Article marketing provides an easier way for webmasters to build quality inbound links for their site that can result to impressive page ranking. When websites have good placement on search engines, it follows that they will be highly visited by online users. As a result, webmasters get more traffic, increased sales potential, and amazing increased in profits.

Here are the 6 nifty secrets to make more money through article marketing:

1. Multiply the number of your articles. The more articles you write, the more inbound links you create for your website and the more articles you make available for publishers to use. These spell out great success in this marketing technique.

2. Focus on the quality of your articles. In your effort to increase the number of your articles, make sure that you don't sacrifice the quality of your content along the way. They must still be all well-written, useful to your target market, and content-rich.

3. Do not advertise on your articles. Focus on giving your readers quality information when you write the content for your articles. You can place your sales pitch on your resource box.

4. Prioritize the needs of your readers when writing your articles. Make sure that your content is geared towards meeting the needs and demands of your potential readers.

5. Learn how to optimize your articles. It is not enough that you know the keywords that are relevant to your niche, but most importantly you must know how to strategically place them on your content so they will sound natural.

6. Your articles must be short. As the attention span of online users is significantly short, it would help if you can write articles that are not lengthy and direct to the point. This is the best way to get your message across without boring your readers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.